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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

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Going through the motions..again and again and again and...

2004-10-19 - 4:56 p.m.

Insert Routine #AC31:

Wake up, shower, gauge the temperature outside, dress accordingly, throw on equipment, walk to jamba juice for breakfast, drink breakfast on the way to class, copy outline, vaguely follow what's going on, stand up, leave.

Eject Routine #AC31

Tuesdays and thursdays, baby. The only consolation is that the prof. has a quirky sense of humor, so it isn't always theory theory theory or huge calculations huge calculations. We were supposed to get our midterm back today, but apparently a bunch of people fucked up on one particular question--so the TA wants to hold things until she clears up the situation. I hope it's the one I think I kinda screwed up on. Really, though, I just want to see the grade and forget about it, good or bad.

Insert Routine #MD007

So far as the rest of the day goes, I went to the medical library, didn't get quite as completely lost this time, and found the articles I needed to photocopy.

Only problem was that my dumb ass forgot to bring the USB cord I'd layed out. I couldn't check my external hard-drive and see if there were any other articles I needed. Damn but I felt like an idiot.

My shoulders were aching like hell from carrying the laptop case (and all the shit crammed in there), along with my valise. It got to a point where I decided, "Why in the fuck don't you just buy a backpack?" And so I did. It's small and not terribly functional, but it'll work for the time being.

Eject Routine #MD007

Insert Routine #Blah

Well, I've got two stats chapters to read by wednesday and about 15 articles to read for the paper due Nov 2nd, so I'll cut this short.

And if I haven't called you lately or returned an email, I've just been busy. I'd love to have the time for an extended conversation or e-banter. I would. Honestly.

On a positive note, though, I bought some Dr. Schoell's orthopaedic inserts today. It makes climbing that small sloping hill along Greek Row alot easier, and walking for a ways doesn't hurt the "arch" of my feet. I say "arch" because I have flat feet. Great for not dying in combat, not so hot for day-to-day living.

So in summation: blah blah, bitch moan, blah.

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