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Rewarmed Theme: my buddies page on Diaryland - 2013-02-17

Still hate Baltimore - 2013-02-14

1 year anniversary! - 2012-11-05

Quantum project; worries about work - 2012-09-09

Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update

2012-05-22 - 11:58 p.m.

It has been ages. It will likely be ages again before I update.

Big news item #1: I got married again for the first time to the same person back in January. We are in love. It is delightful and full of mild domestic craziness.

Big news item #2: My wife is pregnant with a boy, Garion. She is now 6 months along.

Here is a random update otherwise.

The midwife consult was awesome; I like practical nurses who discourage medical births. The hole in my black cat's ass healed nicely caused by God knows what. I mowed the lawn today. If I lay my head on a couch pillow, my neck will always mildly dislocate itself. I finished the 2nd book of Game of Thrones. I have not purchased or otherwise downloaded a song in nearly 9 months. I find interactive theater very entertaining and subscribe to its newsletter. My wife is wonderful. I LARP for social shits and giggles and to make friends about 3 times a month. I mostly hate Baltimore, especially the drivers.

Trivia night this past Sunday with LARP friends and Julia was lovely. And Julia's phone is being dumb. And our orange tabby absolutely loves a small hammock attached to this gigantic cat tree we got for him and the black cat no longer with hole butt syndrome or whatever it is.

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