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Emergency Room

2014-01-14 - 10:08 p.m.

I�m in a pediatrics emergency room. There�s a Mexican car horn coming out of a phone. Two little black girls talk to each other in secretive whispers. The father is watching Sponge Bob on a laptop across the waiting area.

Garion has croup: inflammation of the trachea. He spontaneously coughs until his face is red. The last few times he vomited. My wife, having had about 3 piece-meal hours of sleep this morning, snapped. She called our pediatrician, she recommended we go to the hospital, and not 5 minutes thereafter we were out the door.

I�d just ordered Chinese.

�Can we at least eat our egg rol��

�When your Pediatrician says to go to the hospital, you go to the hospital!� she says tearfully, trying to keep from sobbing.

Her Chinese food is slowly growing cold by my side. She�s inside with the boy. No food past the waiting area.

And so now I wait.

In a way, most of the way, I�m thankful. I stayed home today and it has been non-stop drama. He coughs and overreacts because he has three molars coming in and this sickness. She overreacts because she�s a Mom. Round and round and round it goes. We�d thought he would be entertained with Monsters, Inc., Ponyo, and Finding Nemo (his current three favorites). All he wanted was Mama or some nebulous something, sending him in paroxysms of screaming and crying.
And so now I enjoy the first span of space, and time, where I can not be on high alert.

There are now more people. More black folks looking at me with incredulity. A nightstand alarm clock bleeps out of their phone.

Somehow, when I was younger, I thought life was going to be better than this.

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