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Darker times ahead

2004-11-03 - 1:20 p.m.

So many hours spent reading about the breath-taking incompetence of this administration. So many letters and signatures and phone much, and somehow in the end, a man who nearly died from choking on a pretzel got over 2 million more people in the popular vot e and just won the electoral college today.

I have lost my faith in the decency and reason of the majority of Americans.

I'm ashamed and shocked, frankly. If a man can fuck up so continuously, so completely, and so often, yet still have a job at the end of the day, I've just gotta say: People have too much Jesus in their gonads. Since when did faith and politics go hand-in-hand? Wasn't the whole point of giving England the finger to get away from church and state issues?

Maybe a 9 trillion dollar debt in 4 years and a stock market plummet will get their minds off of the 2nd Coming or "family values" and onto meaningful, tangible issues that the rest of the civilized world worries about. Perhaps it'll happen when another 10,000 Americans die fighting overseas in North Korea, Iran, Syria, or anyone remotely suspected of harboring terrorists or weapons of mass destruction--except for Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, of course; they're our honorary white people nations. Yup. War war war. Sanctions and trade embargos are so pre-9/11.

If they do reinstitute the draft, college kids aren't safe like they had been in the 60's. That's already been cinched by Selective Service. There are Pentagon provisions circulating about including women, too. And raising the maximum age to 35. I know that the Pentagon has said that such proposals were mostly shot down, but now that there is full Republican control again--I wouldn't be surprised at what happens as the military is stretched thinner and thinner.

I can only pray that the University will consider me staff so that I don't wind up as a lieutenant and then a white skull on some godless stretch of sun-scorched rock.

To all of my international readers: I tried my best, under the circumstances, to swing America back to the civilized side of the world. All of us Kerry supporters tried. Unfortunately, the threat of war sows ignorance and blind faith. This administration is just a product of seething, deeper issues in this nation, though, like our 'culture war' and 'class war' and 'modernist versus fundamentalist war'.

But beyond my bitching, there is a bottom line: I am ashamed of who we, as a nation, chose to re-elect--not only for its consequences on our nation, but the untold misery it will visit upon countless others who are not American.

God help us; I know of nothing else that can at this point.

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