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Let. The. Bitch. DIE.

2005-03-26 - 2:33 a.m.

What in the sweet name of fuck is wrong with my country?

What in the hell happened to the Republican party?

And what nonsensical gang of ambulance-chasing assclowns over at the mainstream media decided t cover this nonsense?

You know I'm talking about the current "culture of life" poster child.

Let me ask something of all the Jesus Wept jackass white evangelical hypocrites and Rapeture Index heehaw fucktwits:

What do you fail to understand about this open-and-shut civil case?

Let's review some facts:

*Ms. Schizy done asked for her ass to be snuffed the fuck out if she ever became a human cucumber. And while people might bicker over just how fucked up Ms. Schizy is, I think we can safely assume she's not going to be on a box of Wheaties any time soon.

Let. Her. Die. She kinda sorta wanted it that way.

*By federal and Florida law, the spouse calls the shots. Not the children, not the Pope, not space aliens, and sure as fuck not the parents. Why in the hell would the parents have any say? Technically speaking, there is no legally binding relationship whatsoever between a parent and offspring after age 18. None. At. All.

*The courts speak unanimously: take out the fucking feeding tube and keep it out.

This story, this situation, this absolutely uncalled for breach of state law, privacy, and decency astounds me.

I've come to expect certain things from this administration: 1) Neoconservatives making desperately shoddy excuses to invade countries and spread democracy to purposefully destabilize regions like the middle east; 2) Ill-qualified cabinet members making bizarre foreign policy decisions and even more nonsensical domestic ones. One rich example is Medicare versus Social Security. Medicare NEEDS help, Social Security could use help, but Medicare.

But as a nation, we love melodrama and human stories.

But you know what?

I just wish she didn't look like she had Down Syndrome. I mean sweet fuck, Mainstream Media, put some lipstick on the pig if you're going to shove it in my face.

I'm going to write an angry letter to Republican leaders in my acting capacity as a minister, then go to bed.

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