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Recent Entries

Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Well that was a fun opportunity I almost acted on

2006-05-03 - 8:21 p.m.

I have developed a semi-fond habit of insulting people by referring to them as goat-fucking communist bastards.

So far it's gone over well with the focus group in my head.

I'm not sure when and if it'll come out to market. Probably better for a limited release instead of wide distribution.

An art house insult.

* * *

I wake up every day and wonder if I'm missing some important appointment. Gradually I'm getting used to not being on call. And not working with my collaborator. And that I won't have to for quite some months to come.

If I could bellow hallejulah through my ears and mouth and nose, I'd promptly do so from the highest rooftop.

Which reminds me: I need to re-visit Skylab (i.e. 13th floor of education building). I always did like Skylab. They may have a wireless connection now. That'd prompt me to semi-abandon cafe going.

I know. Scandal.

* * *

A cute woman around my age stopped me on the street across from the psych building. I'd just left the PKP board meeting. She asked me if I'd gone to Oberlin. As my shirt said and I confirmed, yup. She'd graduated in 2003, and me in 2002. We talked briefly about me being a grad student in psych, what I did, what she did (technician in biochemistry lab), and whatnot. I liked her smile. She mentioned she had to see her sister in 6 minutes. This was the window of opportunity to ask for her number, or her name, or email address.

Instead I said something like, "well it was nice to meet you" and smiled. There was 700 milliseconds of confused silence on her part before she acknowledged this and walked off.

And as I followed that frame with my eye I wondered if I'd fucked up somewhere. And pretty shortly after I realized, "well damn. I could have gotten her number."

I tried looking for her on My Space based on her graduation date, but that place is manned by godlessly incompetent bastards. Partly I felt dumb for missing the opportunity. Still do kinda, but my experience with Obie women in chemistry hasn't been altogether great.

* * *

Turned in my NRSA today for class. That's the first and last assignment for the semester in that class, beyond studying for the quiz we had.

I also met with Chris today to discuss some stuff. Now I'll be implementing that stuff in semi-short order. Of course this week is snokered. Thursday is my marathon o' TAing whatnot. And friday I've been invited to no less than 3 different Cinco de Drinko events. They don't overlap either. My friend Megan and I also had plans to ride bikes to the zoo and scope out critters. I may miss the Psych department 'bash' and just go for the big one, the 'end of semester/cinco de mayo/ 26+28/2=27th birthday' function (for Xtian's 26th and Physics Brians' 28th). The lot of us will get completely blitzed off of tequila. I am not mixing liquors or liquor and beer again. I learned my lesson at the gangsta party this past week. As much as I enjoyed holding Katie's hand, the not being able to really move part sucked.

* * *

Nicholas sounds good. This itself is good.

* * *

Seester was curious about what I eventually want to get for a new camera. My eye has been on the 20d or 30d dSLR from Canon. They're both sexy. They're both currently out of my price range. However there's still some potential money coming to me.

You see, I still haven't heard back about whether I got a travel award for the research conference I'm going to (1,000 buck reimbursement). I also haven't heard anything about the 2,000 that I may have gotten.

I've waited 2 1/2 months on one, and 1 month on the other. The former because of absolutely breath-taking incompetence on the part of the organization (my advisor tsks about how smooth things ran when he was president of it). The latter because, apparently, the letters are still being written and the whole situation needs to get fully resolved before we can know. I helpfully pointed out to one of the award organizers that I kinda sorta might have to take out a loan before too long. You know, BECAUSE I APPLIED FOR THE AWARD EARLY ON SO I WOULDN'T HAVE TO TAKE OUT A LOAN. This logic was semi-appreciated. I'll put that accomplishment on my resume/CV.

But far be it from me to question why we can't be told until the arcane financial wonkery is worked out.

Basically all I ask for is semi-prompt notification of whether or not I get money I applied for.

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Socially things are well. No one is dead, dying, or currently experiencing acute episodes of anything. Well, Bipolar Katie is with the whole hypomania thing. Haven't heard from her since friday. Finals + manic episode = likely distraction. Understandable.

* * *

Right, less typing, more highlighting of cognitive bias literature.

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