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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Some fun facts about a 5 1/2 year old journal/diary/blog/receptacle

2006-09-14 - 1:14 a.m.

So I was too lazy to fish out my credit card to put down more cash so I could score some Tupac albums on I somehow cracked the lock on my site tracker. They've gone through a complete site revision, but I guess they have the old servers working anyway.

The following exercise might seem egotistical, but this diary/journal/blog has been around long enough--and I don't give much of a damn enough--where I think some analysis is warranted and might be fun. So here are some fun facts about this here Daath journal:

*I've gotten more traffic from australian addresses than US ones. Granted .net addies beat them both out by a 7:1 ratio, but still.

*I have an obscene number of hits from non-bot corporate addresses. I'm a little surprised my experience would be remotely relevant or interesting for business folk or eatable in a work setting without indigestion, but hey.

*Ever since 2003 I've steadily had the same traffic. Completely different audiences here and there, though (which is readily apparent given a skimming of the 'notes' or guestbooks pages). Explanation: According to people who profess to be in the know at this obscure backwater of a diary site, while I'm at least "decently" known I'm also an "extremely difficult" read.

I'm my own SAT section. Ain't life a bitch.

One of those someones once told me if I changed the background to a white, more professional look, made the language more simple, and shortened my sentences I could've made it big. I haven't changed a damn thing besides the side pictures ever since.

*No one has read every entry in this thing except me (and not even in retrospect). 3 people have gotten close. You are fucking nuts but I heart you anyway.

*No one in the state of Wisconsin reads this thing. Thank God.

*I've had traffic from Rutgers for nigh on 3 years now. Never knew anyone there to begin with. If you're a senior or super senior: yo. If you're faculty: hey I'm surprised, but welcome.

*People have read this in French, Thai, Nyorsk, Spanish, Dutch, German, and other non-Anglo languages. Altogether that's about 35 hits out of however many there are. I mean really: can you imagine the translation you'd get from some of the writer-ier entries into German or Chinese? Ay ya.

*I love someone and there's nothing I can do but wait.

*My friends Liz and Bo from college still read this thing. I miss the fuck out of you two. What happened to Matt? I should've said goodbye to him instead of walking past his door while I heard him arguing with his sig. at the time.

*I think Adam might read this too. Ditto on the miss the fuck out of you.

*I've gotten several hits from ARPA net. For those who don't know, that was the pre-internet net. Kinda. What's more important: do you still read this thing? Did you write the machine code yourself? And jury rig a modem to access the raw binary output? Did you train an octopus to do it so you could film the process underwater? I mean kudos are in order any which way.

*Likewise, I don't know where Monaco is, but somehow someone found me.

*The overwhelming vast majority of people read this site with a 1024 x 768 resolution. Most people use half the height and anywhere from half the width to full (768 to, for larger resolutions, 1200). Conclusion: yeah, I love me the multi-tasking too. Yeah I do the same thing usually. Do you think I should try shortening the effective width this thing takes up? It looks like crap on some old Macs. I mean it really does resemble frozen vomit in mid spew.

*People still use Netscape. You are a dying but proud set of folk. I salute you. I quizzically raise an eyebrow, but then I use a browser which practically crashes my hard drive every time I hibernate the son of a bitch with it still running.

*Hits on older entries make up about 1/8 of the total hits.

*On a more personal observation note, do I sound different compared to late 2002? I'm trying to look for writing progress but about all I'm finding is that I mope slightly less now than I used to, but still regularly use the short sentence at the end catch. That and use shorter sentences.

I guess I can allow myself to do 1 out of 3 suggestions.

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