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I missed my half-forgotten journal

2010-03-18 - 10:40 p.m.

Emily and I met up around 8pm after I hit the gym and furiously scarfed a McDonalds salad.

The goal: to move out all of my shit.

My presence there consisted of my vacuum cleaner, my lactaid and fish oil pills, the inner liner of my parka nestled on the floor next to the couch, and enough clothes in my corner closet cubby to warrant 4 large shopping bags.

We then whisked all that to my place, offloaded it, commented in harmony that I live in a sty, went down to get her stuff, reminded both our selves that my storage area is a minefield of boxes, and abandoned that effort altogether.

I drove her back to her place. We talked mostly about my moving to Pennsylvania to work as a postdoc researcher at Penn. She teasingly warned me not to get fat around the good captain and Lynore. Ain't happening. I rocked that in 2002-2004. I like svelt and terrified to be anything else better. I do dearly love my oldest friends, but I'm compelled to drag them to the gym--a lot. That and--GODDAMN--that place needs a cleaning. I mean I'm a pig about a place I used to only sleep and store my stuff at, but that was expletive head shake.

She also told me not to get involved in certain matters. I have no intention. If drama is a small ham sandwich, I have had a hoagie's worth of professional woe for awhile, followed by a side salad of personal misfortune. I don't need coleslaw. This analogy sucks.

Now. I am a dumb son of a bitch when it comes to getting involved in most human relations. But even I know better sometimes.

Emily cried the entire time.

I spent a good 4 drunk hours a few days ago watching my computer run check disk and silently heaving sadness to my MP3 player in my bed. Today. I don't know. I dreaded seeing her, but we just talked as always.

I guess we made better good friends than potential marriage critters. I don't fancy the mating thing mostly because, left to my own devices, I tend to pick up strong-minded emotionally chimeric bisexual ladies. There is some funny shit that's going to go down if I decide to try again, though. So we'll see.

I have a bunch of work updates. And other updates. And y'know, lacking a girlfriend now, I can just decide to take an hour here or there and talk about it.

There's something I missed about that.

I missed Daath.

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