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Recent Entries

Still not dead - 2024-04-14

Insomnia nights - 2023-08-19

Taking out the trash - 2022-12-11

Lost at sea - 2022-09-03

Shadow of the man I used to be - 2022-06-28

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Still not dead

2024-04-14 - 7:10 a.m.

Woke up at 6:30 for no particular reason.

Nearly 1,500 days spent in isolation.

Meaningful updates. Well. I was fired from my last job because I refused to come back after making it clear to administration that I was not going to kill my wife, Sara, because of COVID-19. She has a rare primary immunodeficiency. About a quarter of people with her condition are dead in the US.

I had a stroke about a year ago due to COVID-19, from interviewing for my current job. Small. Technically a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), with coverage in a small part of the posterior thalamus, which is a relay area. I think it covers lateral geniculate nucleus, which for most people coveys name information. I was never good with names, and now I’m worse. Other than that, same old.

I got a new job as an associate professor in neurology at a med school. Everything has been and continues to be remote. Suits me much better than the horseshit of my previous institution. No staff or students currently. Hoping to change that as soon as these initial projects stop.

The world has collectively gone by and let a vasculotropic virus we know little about go on and do whatever because yay lol. People have become stupider and more reckless. I see it in the driving. I hear it in their bleating. Gods I hate all of them. Love their animals. Hate the people.

Sara and I are hoping to construct a place on a few dozen acres and live out in the middle of nowhere. We never go anywhere. We see no one, outside of work meetings. I keep up a correspondence with a friend I met during my current job’s two-day interview, but that’s it. I don’t miss my old life. I don’t much like my current one, and I actively wish for the death of my mother-in-law because she is a flighty cunt, but things are as well as can be expected given the circumstances.

A dog is barking. That should wake up Beau and Bean soon. I’m just going to lay here and enjoy the silence.

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