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No fear of death - 2024-10-29

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No fear of death

2024-10-29 - 3:18 a.m.

Nearly 1700 days spent in isolation. The world outside has changed in perceptible ways. Drivers are stupider and more unhinged. Old entitled white women are less inhibited and utterly insufferable.

It’s like reliving the same terrible dream over and over.

Pretty soon, we will have another pandemic. H5N1. Already up to 32 cases and 200+ dairy farms affected. When there’s a class-switching event that makes human-to-human transmission possible, the death rate will be twice what it was for COVID pre-vaccine.

That’s chump change. But I’ll take it. It will hit the reset button on all this “return to office” nonsense and give me the opportunity to get a 100% remote work contract approved. Then my wife and I can go wherever the hell we want, start a commune, buy a lot of guns, and get ready for society to slowly collapse.

I don’t care anymore.

I died five years ago. My dream of having more children died five years ago. Having a life approximating normal died five years ago.

I am on a hill as the white ash falls, the trees silent and brash serrated sounds becomes louder across the horizon. There could be one, two, twenty, or five hundred there. It does not matter.

Just like my mom taught me as a child. I will lead people to the promised land. I do not fear death.

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