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Experiment setup, busy days, busy nights

2005-03-31 - 12:15 a.m.

Life getting slightly better. Mostly due to finding more supplies for my experiment and better solutions to problems.

No word from the fellowship people. I climb the walls with sloth precision.

Invited Nicole, one of my undergrads, to see a blood draw demonstration. I don't see how I can one-handedly take veinous blood with a 3ml tube. I tried using my ring finger this time. My ring finger got its ass kicked by inward suction. This does not at all settle well with me. We were also supposed to do 2 animals, which somehow got mistranslated into 2 draws. Deb is not one to argue, but she was insistent on this. I was exceptionally confused and not at all pleased about that. I asked for two animals, I expected to practice on 2 animals.

Stats project part B due in tomorrow. Had it done wrong a week ago. Got it re-done right today. It was a small adjustment. The A will be no problem.

Since my presentation on a brain inflammation paper is done for next week, I can spend tomorrow afternoon going to the Med library on the west side. I will sacrifice many bills to the gods of the photocopier. This will all happen after 6pm, since I have class from 11-5 and I need to get cables after 5pm.

There's some other shit to do tomorrow. Foremost is figuring out where has camcorder cassettes. Another lab in our building orders theirs through it allegedly, but I can't find any trace. I'll speak to the acquisitions/technical coordinator tomorrow between stats and the primates class.

Oh. That's right. So after class and after getting research articles, I should go to the psych building. That way, I can print up the 300 tests for the coming exam in the primates class on tuesday.

So thursday will kinda suck and I likely won't get to go to open mic night. Can't always have fun.

- - -

I need to read some stuff before I go to bed, so off I go.

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