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Mating cry of the gastric acids

2006-01-04 - 6:46 p.m.

Listening to Aimee Mann's 'Lost in Space'. I was getting that restless hunger rage, so I had three handfuls of peanuts and two sips of Dr. Pepper. I figure this is my 2nd small meal of the day. Breakfast was two sips of Dr. Pepper. I wasn't hungry.

Nicholas' phone is fucked. He called back on Stephen's. May do something with Tom and Jeanine. Will make sure to get a real meal sometime.

Peanuts keep the beast at bay for only so long. That and they're mostly fat, so I'm dead-set on starving until we get back together.

That last sentence, out of context, would be both funny and fucked up.

(15 minutes later:)

I called Nicholas back. He's falling in and out of consciousness. I tried following his train of thought, but I couldn't make anything out. I'm going to Steven's place with a bottle of peanuts, some soda, and other reviving aids. I figure I'm semi-functional, so I may as well drag him to that level too.

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