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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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Apathy from frozen concentrate

2006-06-28 - 7:36 p.m.

I have achieved an almost Zen state of total focused apathy. Listening to Five Way Mirror helps the process, as if making an HD channel of my already laid back programming. I could make skyscrapers and old monks explode by nonchalance alone at this moment.

Working without emotion, only disturbed by local conversation in the most mild and passing of ways.

I am 80-20 in favor of not going to the Inferno tonight. Second-hand smoke and alcohol have their flair and drives, but even the idea of dancing does nothing.

I love working inside Barriques because their sandwich dinners are so small and sensible. Tiny salad, small sandwich, small soup. White people food, as if I were a rabbit that liked aged cheese and thick corn-red pepper liquid.

The prospect of speaking to anyone but me is strange and warped. I seem equally as likely to become an oak tree as to continue typing in the vast scheme of things.

The rain steadily falls outside, a vast spiggot forgotten by ancient gods still making supper.

With that, I'll make like a leaf and leave.

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