Like the pictures you see up top and in my gallery? Want to have your soul devoured by art in a relatively fun way? Well shoot me an e-mail.

Recent Entries

Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Back open for business

2007-05-24 - 11:25 p.m.

Storefront - Day

*Fixed camera, locked store window in frame

Daath jiggles a heavy padlock and rummages through his pockets. Coming up empty, Daath takes out a fork and knife and makes short work of the lock.

*Zoom on impressive removal of lock. Side-shot of Daath throwing the metal window cover up.

Daath (narration): Open again. Miss me? Of course not Me: 1; Care: 0.

*Cut to occult-looking store with aisles from a qwik-e mart, complete with slurpee/slush machine set on a crushed black velvet sheet. Daath sits behind counter and downloads unseen but heard porn.

Daath (narration): If this site were about other people, it'd be a hole in the ground by now. I mean I've changed entire readerships like, what, 7 times now.

*3 feet away frontal profile shot of Daath behind counter, depth of field focusing on a camera, a whiskey bottle, and a pair of shoddy looking daggers.

Daath (narration): I keep in contact with all of 1 person I knew back at the beginning of this thing. And that's partly due to MSN auto logging for whatever reason. It's like God is telling me to stop being an ungrateful selfish fuck. Trouble is my God reception sucks.

*Side-profile close-up of Daath drinking cheap whiskey

Daath (narration): Oh Daath. Daathy Daathy Daathy. My old spank rag. Frosted flakes cereal with milk and a half pound of sugar and thick white cream. Only thing I've got to supplement a memory that periodically eats itself.

*Slow-motion spit-flick shot of Daath nailing a metal food stand next to the self-help Wiccan section. Camera follows Daath while he re-arranges various oddities and occasionally stares at shadows.

Daath (narration): Yeah I know what you want. So post-finals is like this:

-I did a week long LPS induction to finish testing with group 1

-The controversy surrounding M&M and my posting thereof blew over. Turns out somehow stumbled on my spank rag. Turns out I need to use aliases again. Merry Christmas.

-The show turned out either great or sub-par. Great in that we had 300-400 people, there were always 80 or so in the gallery at any one time. The 3 kegs we got from C. Brewery were gone by the end, wine the same. Massive snack plates snuffed in 1 hour. Potential patrons lining up at 6:30 (before our 7 debut) and fuckers sticking around 'til way after. I sold one unframed print to Lisa. Total cost of prints + food + space rental: 400 bucks. 1 sale: 40 bucks. Moral of the story: buy my art.

-Showed up for Madison's big Open Arts Studios exhibition. Google it; I ain't linking anything. I'll have either 'Welcome Home' or 'Tree St.' as the title piece 5,000 or so potential patrons/motherfuckers get to gander at. Both were clearly the favorites at the show. I'll probably do Tree St. I got more fancy postcards for the event than you can shake a stick at. Chicago and Detroit people will come to know these things. I wanna canvas my armpit of the Midwest.

Metal Roof - Dayish

*Cut to Daath going up onto the roof with a brownie and a bottle of wine. Food and drink is had with various critters.

Daath (Narration) - What else. Oh. This Memorial Weekend my girlfriend and I are going to Detroit. My chance to visit her family. My going to see Nicholas again. He has a nascent book, I have a nascent set of things gathering dust on a wall. We're artists. El yay. I'm driving all the way since Em doesn't have insurance. Near Chicago on Memorial Day Weekend. I may need to get liquored up before I leave. While I leave. And during the departure.

-I'm keeping my stuff up until the 1st for the Arts Crawl in town. Don't know what foot traffic will be like.

-Sometime monday or tuesday I'm having Jackie, her b/f, and some of Em's other friends over to the gallery space. Jackie may want to shell out for Tungsten Falls. Hey, I could be fly with only being 280 in the hole.

-Got my final grade for Systems Neuroscience. Well there goes my record for Grad School. Mostly don't care. I've busted my ass far more for far less. Archive is full of that.

-No word yet from the doc on what might be causing this biennial sudden vertigo vomitfest to occur. I have a final test tomorrow at 8:30. The stupid fuck had doubled booked me yesterday, so the secretary re-scheduled me. I can't get away from mornings, man/woman.

-Speaking of which, the roommate's woman and their cat were here for a week. I go up to my room one day, there she is, on my bed, looking at me. Sweet cat, but it'd meow at 6, 5, or 4am. Kept getting earlier and earlier at that. Didn't help I had lots of things to take care of or insomnia to deal with. But they're gone and B won't be back for a week. I can't wait to live by myself again. Yeah I was lonely back then, but I've found a social network. That and I've just gotten worn on living with him. I miss being completely holed off from the world when I choose to be. Please reference Selfish Fuck, Chapter 14 Pg. 304.

Roof - Night

*Large gathering of various people drink spirits, eat barbeque, and generally cavort. Daath drinks Spaten Optimater liberally while developing digital prints on a 17" blue Toshiba laptop.

Daath (narration) - And things with Em continue to go well. It's heartening when you learn from your mistakes. So many pretty but mostly god awful mistakes.

-It's time for me to join the great dancing coma in the sky. Likely won't update during the weekend. I'm sure hilarity will ensue.

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