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Smells of recollections

2001-07-12 - 8:39 p.m.

Somewhere in the world right now is a very large party, filled with ornately embossed people sipping drinks more expensive than my weekly paycheck, swapping cocktail conversations about random musings...I wonder if their backyard has gladiolas, or maybe one of those hedgerows of lilacs or a nice set of trellises with jasmine intertwined around them. Hmm...I miss the smell of jasmine.

It's like Dickens in a way: memories sparked by smells. I like jasmine because it always reminds me of home. There's this old wooden trellis in one corner, completely covered by jasmine vines, that has a lovely bloom every season. I can still remember nights where I'd slip open the glass door, walk through, and be stunned by that sweet scent amidst the ebbing sun. I just felt...peaceful, not worried; very rare for me, really.

Once, I remember hiking in the middle of a set of old canyons back home. It was getting on toward dusk and I needed to rest and check for snakes anyway, so I told my friend to stop while I checked out ahead. The hills were green then, oaks scattered here and there. Everything was drenched in this violet flame color, right at the pinnacle before evening came. I almost never see the outside at that time of day for some reason, but it's...magic somehow.

Myself, I prefer night over day. My eyes are very sensitive to light, which makes bright sunny days damn near unbearable (and I'm too cheap to buy designer or even "unknown" brands of sunglasses for 140 dollars. Who the fuck would buy glasses from Gucci?). Even my sleep cycle is nocturnal...and, yes, back in the old days, that's when all of my friends came out of their burrows.

We were like sex-starved, morally depraved chipmunks, chattering incoherent cant at some blokes any place we could find the drab, salty bastards. Note to self: walking in random places along hillsides of populated areas, do not startle semi-naked people in coitus. Bad form.

Ok, mostly they were the sex-starved, morally depraved chipmunks because..heh, at the time, get this, I was more interested in actually finding someone I could have a stable and intimate relationship with.

About a dozen or so quasi-relationships later (I wish I were joking...with the last few especially), I've found there are three things to life and a runner-up: friends, money, nice places and spaces...and maybe, maybe once in awhile a thoroughly non-commital shag with no strings attached. I'm a die-hard romantic, but when it comes to other people. I myself have absolutely no faith in that kind of love, plain and simple. It's just a phenomena that exists.

To digress...yes, smells, all sorts of interesting aromas out there. Hmm. I need to go home and unwind, pour some cold alcohol down my gullet..quell this ignominous need to continue ranting. Must stop, must click mouse..

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