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I want to verb your adjective noun

2001-08-30 - 1:05 p.m.

From the annals of pop psych literature comes a tale of misbegotten sexual charisma and fervor the likes of which the internet has never seen. Dare to be amazed at forbidden sensual lust gone mad in a torrent of sweat and undulating flesh.

More erotic than Deep Throat, more sinister than Cum Buns II, less plot-driven than The Maltese Dildo part 5.

In this diary soon, we are proud to present: Choose Your Own Naughty Bits.



Ooo, baby, what are you doing out near (noun)? Say, want to have some (noun)?

I really like (same noun), especially when I'm (verb).

Say, why don't you put that down and (verb) this (adjective) (adjective) (noun) instead?

Oh yes, that's so good. Mmm. Say, why don't you (verb) a little lower to my (noun)? Yes...god yes...

Oh (verb) those damn (nouns) of yours. Mmm, that's the way I like it, just (same verb) them a little more. Yes...yes...

Now, (verb) my (adjective) (noun). OOOO! Oh dear god, yes! Mm.

What, what do you mean you're tired? Oh fine, I'll (verb) this (adjective) (noun) instead.



And to reveal MY naughty bits...

Ooo, baby, what are you doing out near my house? Say, want to have some lemonade?

I really like lemonade, especially when I'm re-appolstering.

Say, why don't you put that down and feel this soft, comfy furniture instead?

Oh yes, that's so good. Mmm. Say, why don't you move a little lower to my shag carpet? Yes...god yes...

Oh bend those damn legs of yours. Mmm, that's the way I like it, just bend them a little more. Yes...yes...

Now, look under my dusty chair. OOOO! Oh dear god, yes! Mm.

What, what do you mean you're tired? Oh fine, I'll clean this damn house instead.

There you have it, a tale of sensual abandon that the government does not want you to see. Thank you for indulging yourself. We know we sure did.

"So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure,

How amazingly unlikely is your birth,

And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere in outer space,

'cause there's bugger-all down here on Earth."

-Eric Idle, Meaning of Life and countless entertainment venues

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