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Minimum security prison (i.e. college)

2001-09-01 - 12:58 p.m.

Well, folks, it's that time of the year again. Minimum security prison, educational institution with the emphasis on 'institution,' or our favorite wire-monkey complete with readily accessible nipples.

Yes, it's time to go back to college. College, it has a better ring than 'school,' what with all those nasty connotations of waking up at 7:00am for four years.

I'm not looking forward to it for the most part, what with most college students being such a thoughtful and conversationally diverse breed.

So, obligatory obituary of vacation, i.e. class schedule with limited commentary (for me):


-Medieval European History

-Medieval Japanese History

-Intro Chem

-Adv. adv. statistics seminar (multivariate and factorial analysis)

I adore history since it gives me fodder for my short stories and books (which I've been hesitant to post). They'll be fun. I'll drop one if I can do honors for all that Zarathustra U. research I busted my ass over.

Intro chem, sweet intro chem, oh the spot of luminesence in the dank undergrowth that was my life. Oh yay, oh joy...oh joy. Yay. Yes, let that fine firehose of sarcasm lazily waft across your table.

Psychophys is taught by a selfish, conceited asshole of a man, but the subject could be really interesting and he is a good professor. No final also, which is good.

The stats seminar is an excuse for 10-12 students and the prof to sample international wines, cheeses, and various other snackies while discussing methods of analysis we'll use in grad school. You get at least a C, you get credit. I need the alcohol and the class. Plus for me that they are integrated.

From here on in I'm going to try a more literary narrative style of writing my journal. This current style may pop up on occasion, but I like to distance myself in my school paradigm and grasp it in different ways. It's a little like choosing which method of death you wish to employ with household pests.

I know, a pure gem of naive optimism, just like the feeling churning inside my gut. At the least there's liquid magnesium.



"Boxing's been good to me, Howard,

Now I'm told you're growing old,

The whole time you knew,

A couple of years I'd be through,

Has boxing been good to you?"

-Ben Folds Five, 'Boxing'

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