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Just another day

2001-09-08 - 12:12 p.m.

The midwestlands of America gave rise to sweltering heat a few days ago. Clouds billow overhead like badly scaulded milk, puffing into riggid plumes of sheet metal. Light comes slowly, obscured to offer a shadow of itself. There is a wind blowing, but no respite from the ethereal sweater drapped across my head and shoulders.

I should be in Louisiana, tonguing on some obscurely pretensious piece of alcohol, a Jack Daniel's ice cube rolling around while working over conversant debutantes as a chaser.

What a chase, indeed. I wonder if every saturday has ever been like this, a day that has no form or pulse to it. This is some semblance of a day, but it doesn't deserve that name; haze makes for sickly looking sunlight.

The night will take it away to be remade. The fault of some tinkerer will be mended and cast aside. I toy with it now out of amusement, prodding it with skepticism to see if it has any more tricks.

Play time is over for now, I think.



"There's a smile on my face;

For everyone,

It's a golden coin,

That reflects the sun,

There's a lonely place,

That's always cold,

There's a place in the stars,

For when you get old"

-Oingo Bongo, "Just Another Day"

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