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It won't come

2001-09-25 - 12:10 a.m.

I can't stand who I am sometimes. I want to say all of these things about how I'm not feeling well, but it all comes out in some dreary, egotistical slop. The same format, the same styles of writing...and it's a style. I'm afraid to talk about my own feelings in this journal.

In essence I feel dejected and fearful. I have this tenacious habit of writing or saying what I think people will like, but it ends up sounding fake or just thoroughly useless. I sometimes wonder if years of people telling me I should be a shrink were warning signs and not compliments.

I try not to sound sarcastic when I want to be, or emphasize it when it isn't appropriate. For my troubles I get labeled as overly egotistical, nasty, or a few other things. I am too caustic, but it gets me through the day.

The fear stems from a few things. I've been slipping a bit in terms of always studying. I feel like I have too much free time, that I'm not using it properly. There's a test for chem coming up that I'm fairly prepared for, but I should be doing more.

I always need to do more. Write more intriguing pieces (my life is my art, and damn that's a scary thought), socialize less often, study more. What is it that drives me to self-destruction? I want it...badly. I want it in needing constant praise and attention, in performing perfectly, in giving off the persona of someone who has all of his shit together.

I can't even play at being myself well. I just naturally acclimate to what might be most appealing.

People say you should always follow your heart, do what you want to do and not worry about others. I want to know what that means. More, I want to know why feeling just doesn't want to come.

In the end I impress absolutely noone with what I think is impressive. So how do you just write about your day? Seems simple. Dunno why it isn't.

(Note 6 hours later: I've got to get my perscription refilled. These mood swings into the philosophical are painful)

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