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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Darwinism will kick my ass

2001-10-02 - 1:16 a.m.

If a fish were to be placed into a vat of lemon citrus smirnov, still able to live and breath somehow, that'd be me at this moment. Taking late night (i.e. early morning) naps are nice, but the fog of war pounces on your ass like a mofo out of nowhere.

WHAM! You're tired, you can't concentrate. Wait, what's this? Sitting up? Hmm. I could faint. I'll risk it. Wer..errrr! Yes, ok, blood going to head!...other head!, my brain!!

Sitting at the far corner of this computer lab, this fluroescent wonder bus of exquisitely frustrated half-charmed peers, there she sits. We've played the "just how long can I maintain eye contact without looking like a dumbass" game for a good year or so now. She's quite lovely: olive-hued skin, round face that seems wider in the cheekbones oddly, frizzled brown hair and, I think, almond-mocha eyes.

Chances of encounter: 0. Why? Few reasons:

1) Students here are a flighty bunch and establishing courtship rituals are a bitch. Hence, why put your best foot forward when it may very well be shot off?

2) I'm not looking. Oh I may groan and bitch to myself about not doing it, but I know better. 5 classes and research on the side, there ain't a chance I'm going down that long road into Hell, not this snowball.

So now I go back to the playland of studying. But first, my ocular game, to smile, nod, or both? Wow Darwinism is going to kick my ass.

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