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Sufism and H. Trismegistus

2001-10-03 - 12:38 a.m.

In regards to one of the most famous religious sciences, that of Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, the way in which one achieved unity with the divine by becoming pure and coming to know oneself through Allah�s love and numina was introduced by previous gnostic and Hermetic practice detailed in the Corpus Hermeticum.

Hermetic and gnostic penitents were required to strip themselves of all earthly barriers, even �the innermost veil and garment of opinion and come unto God (or Trismegistus) with minds unclothed and naked,� so that, �with such kind of men�the Divine Spirit is ever present� (Mead 147).

Thus, these Pagan mystics were �carried away with heavenly love�and a-fire with [the divine] until they [saw] the object of their love� (Mead 147). These aspects of being possessed with longing and love to see the beloved, the divine, as well as the symbolic imagery of casting off one�s inner veil and outward garments to achieve said intimacy are all key elements in Sufi taqiqas (or sacred paths) used to achieve tawhid (divine unity) and to make oneself a mirror of the perfect, ordered aspects of Allah.

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