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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Cheap entertainment...besides me

2001-10-03 - 4:49 p.m.

Stupid people utterly amaze me.

You'd think with the amount of exposure we get, our tolerance level would increase. Electric shocks, lack of sex, BS in general; we just learn to deal, right?

But there's something different, something wonderfully unique about how people who do stupid shit never cease to annoy, entertain, and utterly stupify perfectly reasonable, cogniscent people around them (not that I'm reasonable, but I like thinking alot).

Case in point: I'm sitting in the area place that's below student union. It's a pseudo-market with tables, vaguely reminscent of those quaint cafeterias in large work buildings without so much quaint in it. It's called the "De-Cafe." Considering the variety of their food, it really is a decaf market.

Anyway, I'm going over my notes from my last class, sipping on some tropical juice blend, when these guys in back of me start saying, "Woo, party in the de-cafe, wooo!"

I look back and there are 12 people clustered near the check-out line. I look around. Most of the tables are empty. I look again. People in line who aren't in a party mood are getting huffy and pissed. The lizard woman maning the register idly looked on into the world of video poker. It was damn funny.

Anecdote aside, I just got my CD's in today, as well as a whole box of special protein bars. These things are dead sexy. Most protein bars remind me of eating shucked grain. These ones, these PR bars, are heavenly gifts from some higher source. No longer will I bitch to myself at 3:00 am about having the munchies.

Life otherwise hasn't changed much. I had been wearing the same pair of pants for almost two weeks. I switched to slacks today. I'm proud of myself.

Incidentally, if you haven't discovered him, read UncleBob. It's rare anything can make me laugh out loud. He did. He has the power of Greyskull.

Be well.

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