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From the horse's ass

2001-10-17 - 3:08 a.m.

I just referred to writing as "the quintessential pipe dream of Bohemia." I rock.

Y'know that post a few days ago...or was it today...anyway, that post about me explaining that I was tired? Well...

I'm tired. Bone-ass, smack me with a wet noodle tired.

I've been studying for the chem exam all day, know the stuff very well, yet I keep having visions of me not doing so hot. They involve missing small things. I've been missing small things all day, and small things somehow add up to 16 ton anvils when you aren't looking (cartoon logic and academia aren't too far apart sometimes).

I've beaten the horse as dead as it's gonna get. I should sleep, poke it a few more times just to make sure, and then trundle off to kick this thing's ass.

In the end it all tastes like chicken. I want that carved on my tombstone.

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