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Diet Coke along route 58

2001-10-21 - 5:08 a.m.

**We interrupt our regularly scheduled life to bring you a neurotic moment**

Britney Spears' voice scares the hell out of me. You've got your youth groups that have made more than the last 8 generations of my family combined, but...this girl is a damn alien; gives me the bloody creeps. I mean is she purposely trying to sound like a 12 year old with serious psychological and inflection issues? Do I need to wear boy-toy leather pants and a snug GAP shirt so I can show off how tight my intellect's ass is?

**Resuming the spin**

I did absolutely NOTHING most of today, hour after hour. It was...glorious. A Snowflake on your tongue in slow-motion: pasty flecks of cold oozing down into a thousand nerves. Ah it was beautiful abandonment warming me with silk.

Around 8pm I decided grabbing a bite would be a good idea. I was stepping out to the main street when I saw my friend Alec walking to his car. I don't usually run into people like this, so I thought I'd say hi.

Five minutes later, we're on a quest to put air in his tires. We tried a Shell, a Chevron, and a Quik n' Easy. Either the air was broken or we were irrevocably forced to pay for the bastard. Alec wouldn't have any of that. We would have free compressed air, by damn.

20 minutes later we were standing at a gas station. It was the midwest as an independent film, like Dali making love to a charming seal lion. Pick-ups moved in with truck beds of farm equipment loaded down, stalwart men looking at me with plain eyes. A boy with a "Fred" patch blankly starred at us arguing over whether they had any diet coke in a can. It was a place in the middle of nowhere, where nothing and everything came back and forth with every truck passing toward and away from us. I tried imagining what it was like living with all these farms and available real-estate, the unused vastness of it all.

We got into the car and set off on our next quest: finding a machine that carried cans of diet coke. Well that was sortof a later addition. First we got lost for 30 minutes driving in the wrong direction to get back to campus. After head-banging to some old Oingo Boingo and 80's thrash metal, we found a vending machine on the side of the road near a worn building. They were bottles, but we didn't mind.

We returned and went back to the quad. It's more or less the socializing headquarters of our 15-20 someodd group. I watched one of the Kate's blow things away with very large guns as Angie typed away (the names are included just for reference).

I got bored, went out to eat, rented something, went back to my place..and lo and behold there was someone else who I knew. He was playing frisbee in the dark. This is normal for him. We ended up back at the quad, watching Striptease. Later on when there were only three of us left, the would-be couple decided to give that title a shot while Martha Stuart explained to us the specifics of some celery-looking plant. I left partly out of discretion, partly because the sight made me feel sick.

It's 6am. I could sleep in 'til 2. I love this!

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