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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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Table Talk

2001-11-05 - 7:35 p.m.

Still doesn't feel right to relate the previous weekend. Been working all day. It's not all that bad, actually. I thought I had lab meeting right around now, but I must have misplaced the date.

Silence is an odd thing. Sometimes it's the ultimate expression of relaxation and comfort. Tonight it made me feel distant. There's a group of people I usually eat with, about 10-12 people. Somehow we all squeeze onto one of those small circular tables, alternating who sits where by who's still eating.

The conversation topics usually fall into a few distinct categories:

1) Odd anecdotes or other things used to amuse others

2) Math, Computer Science, or on the rare occasion role-playing

3) Class related stuff.

It's strange that given all the different things they talk about, I never feel like saying anything. I want to say something, but it's one of those environments that doesn't make sense. I can't relate to what they talk about or the way they talk about it and I'd really like to. It seems simple, but being quiet usually strikes me as the best option.

I'm reading a book by a Japanese author, Endo, called "Silence." It's about persecution of missionaries and Japanese Christians by the Tokugawa regime around 1640. It works on alot of different levels: a priest losing his faith, the way the government officials treat their prisoners, how the peasants act. It's a wonderful read.

I think I can stop for a little while and do something unproductive. I'd like that.

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