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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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2001-11-18 - 9:45 p.m.

I was standing in a field, looking up at meteors as people looked at me and shivered inwardly. It was near 20 degrees; this was not bathrobe and sandals weather. A guy was chatting beside me pleasantly. "I think I'll go down and get dressed," I said, meandering down the huge hill. The stranger laughed hard.

How'd I get there, again...

So first there was the book...

I was reading about Japanese intellectuals picking up tidbits from the West, hoping to get Japan out of the quagmire and toss around some new ideas. I doubt that sounds interesting, but just the struggle these people went through to get a book..amazing.

Then there were the binary people...

So after I fell asleep a few times (it was late, come on), I finally decided to go online, chat for awhile. People confuse the hell out of me IRL or otherwise. I don't remember the goings-on..just alot of sexual innuendo; way too much cyber for my taste.

Daniel and I had another conversation pertaining to me and making sure I stayed protected, sane, etc. It's good to have friends like him. At the same time, I discovered someone gnu.

Raveneys reminded me of a few people I knew when I was younger. Sadness..terrible suffering. It always strikes a chord in me when I find people who feel that way. I used to feel that lost. She was nice, quite intelligent. She's also a good poet with a dollop of the morbid. Bits of honest conversation, my first experience of real-time camera broadcasting. It was nice to re-experience part of myself.

Then I put on the bathrobe of goodness...

She reminded me of what a few people had mentioned before: on the east and west coast, meteor showers were supposed to be raining down. I had completely forgotten. I just kept putting off reading the book..and lo and behold, it was 10 minutes 'til the bugger was about to happen! She wanted to vicariously experience the event through me, uplifting my lazy butt from this comfy chair.

I thought the morning would be the usual 50 degrees or so. I threw on my terricloth bathrobe, a pair of sandals, and my black fedora.

Real clothing always works...

After meandering around and enjoying the occasional meteor, I decided to go back inside to put some clothes on. I didn't expect to see Raymi. Raymi is one of the people who sits in on the lunch crowd. He and I get along really well. He's..well let's put it this way: he runs around barefoot most of the time, does trapeeze, fences epee, and is my co-inventor of the "english longgoat."

There he was in his off-blue enchilada, this big ass insulated jacket. I asked him to wait up while I went up to my room and tried dressing warmly. My formal wear shoes, a sweatshirt, some thin khakis and my trenchcoat. I'm a city boy, oh yessir.

We waited around for his quasi-girlfriend, who happens to also be a good friend of mine. It took awhile, but we finally got out onto the huge field in the back of the campus. We're talking acres here.

The orange floodlights in the distance were a bit annoying, but the sky was brilliantly clear. Thousands of stars, tens of green and blue meteors cascading off the atmosphere at different times. It's beyond words.

It was freezing...damn cold freezing...

We decided to more or less lay on one another so we wouldn't have to endure the freezing ice on the ground. It was COLD outside! Oh dear God it was so cold! We started rambling about how bunny rabbits could have been projected from space into the atmosphere, burning off in brilliant streaks as they ricochet. At one point I vaguely recall cursing "you sons of bitches have fur!" But we had aposeable thumbs and could therefore take their fur (and still keep our thumbs). I asked them at one point to lay on my legs so that I could stay for the rest of the celestial spectacle. They were warm and kept trying to kick each other. Silly couple.

It was getting really early, or really late depending on your perspective..and we were getting very silly. I was laughing so hard at one time that tears were streaming down my face, starting to freeze. "God, why won't you sit on my face and wipe the tears away?" came out of my mouth. It made it even worse.

We finally headed out at around dawn, chilled to the bone, laughing semi-maniacally like crazy people.

And then my bed...I've never appreciated those three layers of cloth more. Sweet comforter, dear sweet comforter...

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