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happy bunny happy bunny happy bunny

2001-11-24 - 5:07 a.m.

You ever get to that part of the morning where you can't really say it's morning anymore? Where damn near every other thing is some incoherent comment about sex, drinking, or God only knows what illucid things come out of your fingers?

For that moment I have a test. When you get to this phase of the wee wee hours, repeat to yourself really quickly "Happy Bunny! Happy Bunny! Happy Bunny!" If you explode out in hysterical laughter, you need to get to bed. Quickly.

I failed this test an hour ago.

Maybe I'm a hypocrite..but I tend to think college students are like camels. Y'see, camels can go for weeks in the desert without drinking water. College students can go days without sleep. Both get about as irate and unsociable.

So I guess I can pile on more straw or something. I dunno.

The occasion so far has been having one of those really late night, "it's near dawn, wow it's been so nice talking to you, dear God I'm going to be a human slug all day" conversations.

Moonshine76 is lovely. Caring, thoughtful, willing to listen to my jokes, and she even electronically fed me cheerios because I was babbling incoherently about being Orange Tabby man and having an inhuman capacity to be lazy. I don't know, it's ass early.

So I can't form a single coherent thought right's a toss-up between posting quotes from the conversation, Jimmy Buffet lyrics to "Get drunk and screw," or total incoherent nonsense.

Ysgradil wants no mazes in his eyeglasses,

I cannot drink the book in several portions,

Give no goods, cannot enjoy my theatre,

I love the times of day that begin with "T."

Buttermilk udders swimming in my eyes,

Suzanne Summer's fondling cerebrum panties,

Miraculous Christian Network infomercials,

Jesus Jesus, love my thigh rocker, Lord Hallejulah.

Spago sweatshop molestation infant beers,

Spanking shamans into clock-driven keggers,

Italian butterloaf swamp mead binding contract,

Sign away your child,

he's in the barrel and signed on the dotted line.

I want for no bullfrog,

Jeremiah died for our sins,

Suzanne too,

Give no goods, get no goods,

Puerto-Rican Vanilla Ice.

You remind me of snow in June,

Special snack food beef drink fructose exam.

Forty-three, half a dozen, half price,

I'm cheap! I'm chirp! Cheep! Cheep!


Before I descend into posting show tunes and writing exquistely bad stream-of-consciousness (if you say too late, you get such a noogie. I'm not joking!), I'm going to inter myself in my cocoon o' comforter for awhile.

Then, off to eating chinese. Oh dear sweet bed, you beckon me.

Such a good conversation. It's been awhile.

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