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Bitch slapping for jalapeno ecstasy

2001-12-05 - 3:39 p.m.

Y'know, for something that immensely disturbed me for no reason whatsoever, the test wasn't bad. In fact, it was oddly pleasant.

Paranoia is great for sticking to a good work ethic, but I think my psyche and I need to sit down and deal with some issues.

It always wants more space, more room. I try giving it space, but then it seems angry that I don't spend enough time with it. I talk to it, take long walks along the smooth concrete with it, just try to keep things calm. Then, just when I think everything is alright between us, BAAM! starts getting paranoid, working into the early hours, not even bothering to acknowledge me. Why doesn't it ever consider MY feelings, MY thoughts? Am I just supposed to be some complacent housewife to it? I am a worthwhile person, damnit!



It's a bit overbearing like that, kindof like my sarcasm. At least you can collect some, maybe snack on it for awhile if you get hungry. I hear it makes good sticky-tack.

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