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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Santa of Nazareth

2001-12-17 - 10:53 p.m.

Brain is straining,


Straining the water of ignorance and sanity out through my very pores,

If but to leave the pasta of contemplation behind for Grandma Angelina and those festive little meatballs of hers..with the herbs and the thingies, y'know, with those

A dog howls,

I tilt back my head,

Mountain dew tsunamis tumbling,

Through me,

Worry relinquished, I a survivor imminent,

Not running for a fifth season.

I am the material,

The material is I,

We are we and me are we and me are me as one.


Diet Coke of Catholicism,

Matrix of indulgence. Red pill preaching Jesus in a can.

Cheeze-wiz enraged,



Film at 11.

Santa of Nazareth, did you die for our sins? A Tolstoy, tollhouse cookie? Both?

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