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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Last day of the semester

2001-12-21 - 1:37 p.m.

It's strange reading over my own journal. Have I really been this strung out at college? It's kinda painful at points with an eerie dash of amusement trying to make light of the situations. All I can say is that college brings out the best and the worst in me. I get less dark over vacations.

Pinknoise hasn't emailed me yet, which means he's either been abducted by militant Canadians or he hasn't left. I finally did my laundry, applied to live in another room next semester, got a CD of our videotapping mice to analyze, your basic mop-up work.

I woke up confused. I felt alright, good to go, and then I looked at the clock. It said 8:00am. I had gone to bed at 4:30. I wondered about this for five seconds before going back to sleep. I was woken up again at 9:30am by the pre-World War II elevator right next to my room. But then I heard this weird was loud, methodical, repetitive. Thinking it was a student, I walked outside to embarass them into silence. What I saw pissed me off even more and yet, now, perplexes me.

There he was, the retarded (I mean in the clinical way) custodian with a gimpy right leg. He had this strange piano-like chord progression playing very loudly. He was singing the numeric equivalents of the chords, again and again in a high, bass voice. I tried going back to bed, but it just didn't work. I couldn't handle it. I wanted to step outside and scream at him to have some tact, manners, something. I fumed for awhile and finally just left to get stuff done.

I feel fine now..still haven't taken the quiz yet. Another 40 pages to go. I've also decided that when I come back, I'm going to learn how to systematically disable that elevator when I'm asleep. I've tried everything else, so I figure a few petty 2nd degree misdemeanors are justified.

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