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Recent Entries

Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Another day in New Jersey

2001-12-26 - 11:16 p.m.

Casual day spent touring Princeton University and the surrounding college town.

Got drunk on ale, had far too little food for too much money.

Bought about 10 CD's at the famous Princeton Record Exchange.

Waited around for friend who wanted to talk to email, leave a note, or be online as she said she would be. Status: no word; slight annoyance at seemingly being blown off. Possibility of overruling by dominating family members not ruled out.

Life just blends one day into the next, with seamless hours threading into a blanket looming over me...stretching out the same patterns, longer and longer, day after day. It relaxing, like watching a fluorescent light flicker in the same predictable pattern.

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