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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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Emotional chimeras

2002-06-22 - 4:03 p.m.

So I'm a little emotionally unstable when stuff I think is important comes up. I am medicated barely middle class America, I'm entitled. Thinking just now, my total emotional states are like a chimera. The lion out in front snarls and stares at anything that looks like food, while the serpent wends around and sees where the best position is to strike...meanwhile the goat is chewing on some grass, wondering what the hell the other two idiots are up to. I swear, folks, it's that goat that keeps me balanced. Just gotta keep an eye out for existential Scotsman. Anxiety with a kilt; zipperless bitch.

Weird imagery aside, for some reason friends around these parts and in physical life have been rather pissy lately. I don't mind, I dearly love all of these people, but it makes me wonder about honesty. Can you have total honesty in a relationship/friendship? I mean the type of honesty where you could tell someone "what's wrong with you? You're acting like a complete ass, come on, choose something else from the tape-deck of your mind"?

We all have to bitch about problems, sometimes the same ones for awhile...but I believe in participatory listening. That's right, having the confidence to tell a loved one they're full of shit and/or being a fool and to knock it off. Hell, I'm guilty of being full of shit about this job partly because I don't think I'm going to get it...and I appreciate it when someone calls me on it. If someone is repeating themselves or going through old shit and getting into excuses, call 'em on it. If you're polite but direct, why not? If they can't handle criticism from a friend/lover, who the fuck can they handle criticism from?

It's all about open communication. Great thing about saying everything, though, is that you end up hiding more than you ever would with secrets. Secrets get raped or uncovered with varying circumstances and people. To me it's like someone whose already naked as opposed to stripping. Clothing suggests, seems more provocative, especially lingerie...but flesh, well, there are only so many apparent angles and landmarks for one set of eyes. Flesh has less substance to me: certain things become the general representation of a region and I never give full thought to it again. Lingerie you can change, accentuate different areas, it changes.

The truth will always hide more because it lacks substance. Out of all our serpents and lions, only the goats keep their nostrils and eyes close to the ground. Maybe that's why most people are scared of me: not enough focus on the details.

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