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What's the story, morning glory? (part 2 of 2)

2002-07-20 - 7:14 p.m.

The worst was yet to come.

Lousy food in my stomach, we went back to the office. Woods called two lab people into their conference room. He then asks me to explain exactly what I had done last summer working at Zarathustra U. (where I actually began this journal). My first reaction was numbed horror: how in the hell was I supposed to remember all that after a whole YEAR? I was supposed to come up with this shit on the fly?? I started up slowly, moving back and forth between concepts a bit too quickly, while this guy chugs out question after question after question, grilling me on logic, design, everything. I got into the groove of it, though, and I thought I fielded everything they threw at me well.

Over four hours later they're satisfied and I get a water break. Then I get 15 minutes to explain this paper I'd written. This part I was actually prepared for. Rather than question everything, Woods was encouraging. We got to his car and rode back to the BART station. During the ride I found out that he's got 150 applicants for this job. My heart sank. He'd invited me here just to weed me out. When I asked him how I did, he just said "ok." He said it again later with more sympathy, but I was too fucking depressed to care.

On the BART tram again I looked outside and wondered what to do with my life. Did I really want to do research? Could I really do research? I felt lost and very small. I snapped myself out in time to realize I was on the wrong line. Damnit, was I going to be late for ANOTHER plane? I switched lines, ran to the airport shuttle and silently wondered how much of an idiot I was. Plowing over the Bay freeway I thought how horrible the day had turned out. When I actually got to my gate, though, they were just beginning to board. I was overjoyed and I settled for just feeling physical and mentally numb.

Jen and Geri helped me feel better when i got home though, which was nice. Mom also gave me a neck massage which really helped. As I lay in bed leaning on my not in pain side, though, I kept wondering if what I'm trying to do is the right thing. Am I cut out for this line of work? If not, what do I do? I don't know.

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