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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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More about jobs and Jen

2002-09-19 - 5:13 p.m.

Strolling down the crisp brown hills of autumn, a cheap suit and guitar case chaff in the wind. His breath heaves out as he looks down at another adobe pueblo, another research lab out in the deserts of opportunity. There are the young ones in the dust, handling rats or mice with care in their white lab coats, joking to one another about their futures. A few Dons huddle together in the shade, cracked hands playing guitaras or violins while discussing grant revisions.

From the hill comes an "�Ojale!" (Yo!)

The music stops as a fat swarthy man picks himself up. He moves out into the sun, looking at the man on the hill.

"�Qu� tu deseas?" (What do you want?)

He's gotten a response. Wow. With excitement he yells "�Usted consigui� cualquier trabajo all�?" (You got any work down there?)

The fat man and several others sympathetically laugh, shaking their heads as they wave him off. Becoming a spec against the visible heat, he thinks to himself that someday, someday I'll find a job.


So yeah, the odyssey to find work continues. I felt more motivated today to write people at Mt. University, Stanford, more of the local places around California. I don't mind the waiting or the lack of job positions, just tired of not having anything to really do. Even so, it's starting to cool down enough lately that I might start going rock-climbing or hiking again, work off these gourmet donuts. I've almost got the hang of this digital camera, too, so I could try out some daylight nature photography. So far all I have to show for my nighttime pictures are blue cat eyes, a dead crow in the road and a stop sign lit up like day. I may just put it up, actually, it's a strange effect.

The only other constant in my life these past few months has been Jen. Since her trip over here we've gotten into that 'we're so cute it's disgusting to anyone else' phase. Example:

Jen: I MISS YOU :((

Me: :-*

Me: I miss you.

Jen: awwww...

Me: :x

Me: [leans head on your shoulder]


Me: Pookums.

Jen: Snuggle Bear

Madly heaving into your shoe yet? No?

Jen: *kissy mc kiss kiss*

Jen: :)

Jen: bye!

Me: [kiss mckissles]

Me: bye :)

Jen: LOL

Jen: we are DISGUSTING

And there you have it. Let me wipe this off...

Every other sentence is some variation of "I miss you". It's been a week and a half now. It's doesn't feel all that bad. Some people waste away on the wind itself, pining for their love out of some German or Italian love sonnet. I take it slow and don't worry about her, us, whatever the hell we are too much. Security is a passing luxury, change is the only constant, you know the spiel.

The whole trip still feels like a dream. She still feels like an original glaze krispy kreme donut. You know, airy, sweet, nice to bite into...anyway.

Right now she's just trying to figure out what she wants to do career-wise. She dropped out of college first year, doesn't want to go back so far as I know. I can't blame her: everyone she knew from high school went there. She was miserable, waiting around with jars of peanut butter or cold breezes outside to see if her boyfriend would have enough time for her. It's really too bad she didn't find a college better suited to her.

She's interested in interior design, photography and sociology. I don't know anything about these fields, but we've been looking for some decent art or photography schools out here. She keeps telling me she wants to get out of Michigan, can't stand the people or her job at Subway. Again, can't blame her. She applied to a few places out here recently, so we'll see what happens.

And now to be even more disgutingly cute...

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