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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

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Jury Duty

2002-11-26 - 9:17 p.m.

Unfortunately I won't be online tonight. While I normally fall asleep at around dawn, I now have to wake up then. All this time I didn't think the superior court would call me to come in for jury duty. I could have put in for an extension, but I figured they wouldn't need anyone so close to Turkey Day. Up until recently I could just give the excuse I was a full-time student, but apparently I'm about to leave the county on the tail-end of very new and very strict mandates for jury selection. You can't even claim mental illness as an excuse from service now.

Still, it's unlikely I'll actually serve on a panel, but the possibility of commuting downtown at 7am for 2 weeks is there, squatting down and looking cantankerous; probably a good imitation of what I'd look like after a few days of L.A. transit. Thankfully, Gran is willing to buy me coffee before she goes to work. A triple shot espresso should put me in a good enough mood not to accidentally perjure myself on whim or get found in contempt of court.

This summons comes at an awkward time in my sleeping history. I'd be doing fine getting 6-7 hours, but lately I keep waking up after my alarm, usually around 9 hours. I've blamed it on the cat and his hobby of flitting bottle caps at 6am, the Santa Ana winds and my new exercise routine, but I can't explain it.

Then again, it could be my subconscious trying to sort out recent developments. I made up with Jen and Sasha, everything is amicable with everyone else in my life (even Gran); so maybe it's just filing and double-bookkeeping the aftermath. Lately I've also felt angry at myself for socializing too much and not studying computer programming, or for the GRE (graduate school test). Yet, those two things have been on my mind since I graduated back in June. Hell, they're the problems I can always count on worrying about when something more immediate isn't happening.

Looking at it optimistically, maybe this a chance to try out "Rapid Transit," L.A. County's newest attempt to revitalize public transportation. Basically if you live here, especially in the suburbs, you need a car; it's just the way the greater L.A. area was designed. So while we can't have an above or below ground subway, at least there is a new fleet of these spiffy buses that don't have that heady eau de' toilet musk that reminds me of New York City.

I even bought new slacks and socks to attempt the 'business casual' dress-code. The combat boots will be a little out of place, but then 'business attire' is a relative term.

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