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Interview plans with Dr. Zivago goes awry

2003-01-16 - 10:53 p.m.

I'd planned on waking up before noon to get ready for my "talk" with Dr. Zivago at Mt. University. I was pushing for only 6 hours of sleep but I thought that would be enough. It didn't surprise me, then, when someone called for a Frederico at 9am. The guy had a friendly voice and spoke perfect English. We bantered about him having the wrong number and he disconnected. The neighbor a few houses down had also decided to stay in from work (I guess) and saw/sandblast what sounded like an entire dining set.

Just when Bob Villa called it quits, I heard the blaring caw of a dozen and a half hungry crows from across the street. They were waiting for Squirrel Woman to feed them. Squirrel Woman has a full-blown phobia of squirrels. One day she thought that if she kept feeding the local crows, they'd keep away the squirrels. She never stuck around to see the squirrels quietly eating alongside the crows. 5 months later, the populations of both types of critter have tripled. Not even pigeons rough it around our area anymore. Yet, in the evening, if you look just right near the rain gutters and side planting, you can see squirrels skittering to or from the nests they've built in her house. Mom and I just don't have the heart to spoil the surprise.

Anyway, after all that crap I was barely functional. Since my car needs work and (subsequently) I don't have a license yet, Mom drove out from her boyfriend's place just to drive me over to Mt. University. She insisted on it, in fact, since she and I knew that my Gran end up annoying me right before my important interview.

Unfortunately, I got a call from one of Dr. Zivago's grad students right before Mom got in. The lab girl said he'd had taken ill the night before and wasn't in any shape to work or see people. The grad student assured me, though, that he'd be fit to see me next week. She also quickly breezed through instructions on how to get to the place. I'd been wondering why the guy hadn't bothered returning my email or phone calls; good to know I'm still a prized piece of academic arse. In any case, I'm going to reschedule for next week and put off searching for temp jobs until then (since he might have a job lined up for me).

On a related note, what in the hell is it with British research labs and application forms? Apparently sending a resume and a cover letter isn't good enough. Oh no, you have to complete a NINE PAGE document that reads like an American tax form. Some of the ones I've gotten even have essay questions. Bloody fucking ESSAY questions! What, I'm suddenly applying to a University or to be on Star Search? It's a job! Why in the hell do they care what my long-term goals are? I can understand having a team with a balance of personalities, but isn't that what an interview is for? Y'know, where your real personality slips through rather than just you lying on paper about it? But hell, I want to work in the UK and I need to practice essay writing anyway for these child-molesters.

But I'm doing good and I'm thankfully conscious. The Krispy Kreme Grande No Wip Ultimate Mocha Cappuccino saves the day again.

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