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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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Medicine might be working

2003-02-17 - 11:23 p.m.

I could swear the Wellbutrin is having some effect already.

Normally I flit from subject to subject, here or elsewhere, enough to outline it but almost skip off it like rocks tossed along a lake. My thoughts are moving that quickly still--much more quickly in fact--but it's as if I can focus those quick thoughts on one actual subject and hold it there. I actually read for two straight hours tonight, wrote for another two straight hours. I wasn't driven to find something else, but really engage what I was experiencing.

It's hard describing my thought process. It usually takes some mental convincing and pushing for me to start anything. I'm usually too bored to push myself, to actively engage in something. I have the energy, but it'd only go for a little while and then I couldn't stand it, I'd have to move onto something else.

But it feels as if my mind has switched from mild depression to mania. Rather than balanced, I feel energetic, rushed, as if my fingers can't type fast enough to convey the details.

The change in emotion has been the most striking. Mom and I had decided to go out to our favorite restaurant today. While the food was good, I'd left a message with my eventual boss, Dr. Zivago, about setting up a few experiments. The hung just sat there..and throughout the day sat there. Occasionally I called, left a message. It was only until after someone reminded me that some people get President's Day off that I calmed down. Right now, I feel great, like I want to go run.

No side-effects also. Except for a good mood, maybe, but that might just be from the caffeine in my system.

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