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The end of applications; many 'new' shots

2004-01-03 - 4:59 p.m.

There has been much socializing and fun times had with The Captain and the lovely Selene this past monday, wednesday and thursday. This post is not about them and our exploits, though, but the end of an era.

Ever since this past August I have been working toward applying for graduate school. In the beginning I looked up different departments, studied months for the standardized tests, then finally rounded up application materials and sent out all my stuff to the four places I'm interested in.

I finally finished and mailed the last application today. Mom treated me to a fabulous lunch at Fusion Sushi and getting some coffee. In-between those we ventured into the land of Home Depot for new bamboo. Afterall, I need to replace some of the bamboo shoots in my bonsai arrangement. I was also looking for some extremely fine, non-copper wire that I could use to make a new batch of clip-on electrodes, but they didn't have anything--so I'll make Dr. Zivago buy his own supplies at Radio Shack.

It's an amazing feeling, finally being done with all of that. I still need to email the profs and tell them that I've officially applied and all, but the grunt work is finally done with.

Of course, this leaves me wondering: what am I going to do with my saturday night? Rocky Horror Picture Show? Chilling out home? Photographing in the City of Industry, maybe?


Speaking of photography, I've been majorly negligent in keeping all of you up-to-date on my gallery. Let me remedy that now:


Comment: On the Pacific coast of Long Beach. I didn't expect this shot to be anything..but the best ones are accidents.

Audience with the Horned One

Comment: I love abstracts like this--not many others do, but it's not like I have a commercial audience. It has an ominous Pagan feel, I think, hence the title.


Comment: The top of the parking structure in "Seaside Parking Lot". Taken at a weird angle with the title in the lower right--to emphasize the movement of the arrow. I think the effect works well.

Wayfarer Chapel - 1

Comment: My first published day shot in many months. I think it's pretty and stuff, but it doesn't have people vomitting neon colors or big-breasted chicks looking tortured, so it didn't get much acclaim.

Abandoned Lot

Comment: Perhaps it should be slightly dark and more ominous, not so sure yet. What do you think?


Comment: Been a long time since I did an 'Expressive' shot like this. That's me as the model, so if you've ever wondered what the back of me looks like--there you go.


I hope your weekend is festive or, at the least, relaxing. I'll relate the Selene & The Captain stories soon. For now I extend my arms and glide on the wings of lazy consciousness. Weee, yo.

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