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Nice start to a saturday

2004-01-10 - 11:02 a.m.

This is the first time in months that I've woken up and felt...happy, really-fucking-goofy-kinda-last-4-minutes-of-Empire-Records happy.

It came from an imaginatively fun dream sans H.P. Lovecraft themes. From what I can remember, I was out on the road with a bunch of people I'd just met. One of them was an olive-skined woman in her 20's, sporting long legs, plum-sized breasts and the sort of detachedly interested vibe that makes the hunt far more pleasureable.

I remember laying in what I think was my bed at some points, standing up and walking over to the longside of whatever creature we slept in with such trailer-sized appointments. I can't recall the words so much as the attitude: nononsense intimacy, hearing her breathing unsettle as I slowly nibbled and licked from her earlobe to the side of her neck. She seemed to enjoy it, but seemed reserved--teasingly reserved--about having sex. Suddenly some of the others would get up, for instance, or I'd feel compelled to evacuate the HMS Johnson before proceeding. Yet, I seemed to skip to just those waking moments, around her, playing a game most people feel like winning or losing far too quickly.

The next scene I seem to recall is a hillside sloping up at a sharp angle, with a single road woven straight in the middle. It looked off to either side, waving to the copses of trees. The woman was there, speaking to a friend on the left-hand side. I was wandering on the right, with pockets of unknown and familiar people speaking and talking in various areas. Suddenly I somehow had a mariachi guitar and started trying to play the thing. I stumbled on that chord which signals madness or the loss of a woman's virginity to the rapacious Don Alfonso is about to occur. I kept playing it as my mind's eye suddenly developed wings or picked up a spare helicopter crew.

I was moving toward a log cabin-like structure on my left. I saw an aging white rocker dressed in studded leather. I think it was either Iggy Pop or Billy Idol, probably Idol. I felt amazed at running into the guy, who quick as a whip started singing--with full band accompaniment--some song that I can't quite recall, except it seemed to include "mad", I think. Up along the entire road people were dancing and lip-synching to it. For some bizarre reason I was doing this and being chased, passing by one of the female dancing type lip-synching people. But the whole vibe was very--again--last 4 minutes of Empire Records.


I can't recall looking forward to a day! I've got some energy too, which is cool. Don't have much of an inclination to write about the nice parts of the past week just yet, but I need to eat and get at least 2 shots of espresso and a toffee nut coffee thing mixed with ice.

I feel like having some heavily grilled traditional American breakfast. I wonder if I can convince Mom of this being a good idea.

I shall see.

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