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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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2004-02-21 - 4:27 p.m.

He sat on a thousand mossy stools, eyes pitched up to the dim gold glow that crept around the vaulted caverns. Most of the rest was muttering in the darkness, in whispers, casual and occasionally high-pitched. From some far away place the sound of rain spattered hollow, rushing and still for overlong moments.

A puck-like imp merrily giggled as it jumped up and fell back down. Up and down. Again and again, upon his head, whooping.

"Are you having fun up there?" The guy asked.

"Yes!" Boredom replied, "Yes, I am."

And so the silence went on, occasionally chipped away by a small 'weeeeee!' or an 'oops' when the creature accidentally landed with its backside.

The guy crept up to full height and poked around the gullet of earth he happened to have found himself in. There a spring of tangy water, beyond that a gaggle of carnivorous lights with smiles in their eyes. Rocks cascaded by either foot, scattering, flung down into whatever space had spawned the whole thing.

He tipped his head over the edge of the narrow path precipice.

"Weeeee!" Boredom cried again with happiness, defying gravity with ear wings.

The guy shook his head in frustrated disgust and walked some length more, finally perching upon a squat rotating mushroom textured like a cork oak.

"I think food might solve this predicament," he said to noone in particular. He bit away his sitting place until a comfortable hole had been made, large enough to make for a napping niche.

It hadn't done the trick.

"Well, could be worse," he said to himself, "It could be monday."

"Weeeeeeee!" The imp squealed while jumping up especially high.

It was a very long day destined to become a long night. He gingerly sat and began to knit Boredom a red wool sweater and a matching pair of booties.

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