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Politics; Madison; trips; more politics

2004-02-26 - 3:10 p.m.

Soundtrack: Greenday - 'Warning'

Lately I've upgraded my interest in politics from passing familiarity to diplomat status. I read upward of 15 news articles a day, mostly about the Bush Administration or some of the foreign hotspots like Haiti or Georgia.

I can't explain this renewed interest in politics, considering that I have noone to talk/debate with about it all--except the choir, and there ain't much point preaching to them.

I'll admit, it's fun siding with the Left in their demand for the blood of Bush and his cabal. His federal tax cuts make the states raise their tax, where people making 200,000+ USD pay less while my unemployed ass pays more. His slashing money for research endeavors--while not meaning a good goddamn thing to almost all people--had a direct and major impact on my trying to find jobs back in 2002 and 2003.

So yeah, those are two among a dozen reasons that I will push for a Democrat getting elected. I'm tempted to contribute my time to helping whomever wins the democratic nomination. That's probably moot in a state like California, but I'd do it if it'd make a difference.


I've had alot of time on my hands, as you can see. These are the easy, lazy days of waiting to officially hear back from schools, even if I already know where I have and haven't been accepted. This can last all the way up until late August, where I'll need to start packing away a U-Haul for Wisconsin.

I'm excited as hell by that prospect, but I need to make sure UW-Madison is as bitching as it seems to be. I've only been to Wisconsin once, way back for a McNair conference in October of 2001 (which I still haven't written about! Ha!). I remember Wisconsin being pretty flat, but not as flat as Ohio; and the McDonalds all advertised Bratwurst dogs; and the earth seemed to stretch until it got confused and just ended in haze or trees. I remember feeling some kind of weird endearment to Wisconsin--that and the fact that I stayed in a 300 USD/night hotel for the McNair conference kinda helped, too.

There's always been a weird endearing feel about Wisconsin and Madison, as if I belonged there somehow. This coming sunday, I'll touch down in Madison and finally see for myself, if it's where I belong for the next 4-5 years. Dr. Crisco has always been very gracious, kind and funny in his emails to me. Hell, he offered me admission to his lab without ever having spoken to me over the phone or meeting me in person.

This whole trip to Madison is for him and the department to persuade me to join. I'm about 95% convinced I'm going there, unless for some reason I HATE the place when I get there. In either case, it's good to keep them guessing on that count; it could get me more money in the end..which reminds me, I still need to file my 2004-2005 FAFSA to get money from the government.


Social scene is still pretty much dead or mostly coma in the physical world. The Captain and I haven't gone out for a movie in awhile because nothing appeals to us. I'm kinda half tempted to check out The Passion of Christ, but I think I'm permenantly spoiled by The Last Temptation of Christ.

There's the upcoming Detroit trip, though, which'll be incredible. I've been looking forward to that for nigh on 3 months now. I wish I was taking my car so I could visit people in Ottawa, the other side of Michigan, Ohio, etc..but I just didn't have the cash and my wonderful photography patroness was willing to buy a ticket. I figure There'll be some summer where I can just drive around and see alot of people I know from online, back in Ohio, and people I've randomly met in person over the years.

Oh, side note to Adam: sorry I didn't reply to your e-mail. Doing that right now.

There, done.


So far as photography goes, I've got several pieces I'm working on right now. Those'll be out soon. I promise.


Right now I'm waiting to watch the Democratic candidates debate one another on CNN at 6:00pm. After that Ma and I are going to best buy to pick up the newest game in the Castlevania series for the Playstation 2. We both loved the old school/original titles and this one looks about on par with Devil May Cry (not that I ever played it, but just seeing it was enough).

I wish you all well.

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