Like the pictures you see up top and in my gallery? Want to have your soul devoured by art in a relatively fun way? Well shoot me an e-mail.

Recent Entries

Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Creativity: Some updates and new poems

2004-07-28 - 1:18 a.m.

In some ways, I've been a naughty artist lately. While I know how to end a few of my short stories and have some great ideas for new ones, I haven't yet gotten to those. Photography is just..easier to do, almost sinfully so (at least if I believed in the concept of sin).

In my defense, though, I've been very productive in some other ways. For example, I've got several shots I'll be posting for your enjoyment soon. Some of it is my old hat style, while some of the day shots I took near Las Vegas go for a totally different look and feel.

One area I hadn't expected to do anything with, though, is poetry. I'd like to post some of what I've lately written, just to see what reponse I get. Now, very important preface: please don't interpret any of these as referring to you. More importantly, these are extremely unpleasant, disturbing works, so read at your caution. Finally, these are my catharsis: nothing less, nothing more.

* * *



In autumn midnight,

I regarded Tripoli in shadow,

Smoke curling,

The train gone by,

Silence seeping in.

Trash trails at my feet,

Heeled in paper and cheap Nikes,

Blowing purposeless,

Nudging me uncommon.

I turned my back to the other track,


Xylophone of bone.

It's a paris train come in,

Regarded slowly,

Trained in my periscope eye,

Monotone fittings clacking Japanese,

All but dead in a second.

You stepped off the train then,

Where I lived,

Where I'd seen you.

You chose to weave the same routes I wove,

Velvet against the moonlight,


I hated you,

Seeing you,

Liking the sensation situation,

Unsure of the previous three.

I grew whole behind objects,

Regarding your knock,

On my door,

At 1am.

And 1:15.

I bide my own time,


Either inside to come back out,

To talk,

Or either outside to creep in,

And end it.

Russian doll,

You unfold,

Alabaster fire,

Breath cold,

Wherever you were,

Whatever I glean,

I'm regarding you,

And what you mean.

- - -

Parking Sign

Somewhere on an off-ramp,

From Pier J,

I gave up on finding parking,

The LA Harbor a whore,

Asking too much.

I made music,

With my breath and thighs,

Camera poised,

Tripod sound,

Stable in routine illegal,

Hazards on to fuck with 5-0.

Biding time,

Grace in symmetry,

All these belonged to thee,

A death knell of sorts,

All but your face,

Is the one thing I can't deface.

Temptations multiply,

Darkness packed,

Like a family vacation.

Passing by derelict tunnels,

I parked near a corpse,

Flourescents in chorus,

Footstep cymbals,

I walked along.

Biding time,

Grace in symmetry,

All these belonged to thee,

A death knell of sorts,

All but your face,

Is the one thing I can't replace.

I'd seen a sign,

Done in green,

Tasteful for the city.

It shifted into focus,

As I came closer,

"Parking: 2 hours only";

It reminded me of you.

Biding time,

Grace in symmetry,

All these belonged to thee,

A death knell of sorts,

All but your face,

Is the one thing I can't erase.

- - -

A picture is worth a thousand reminders

Your skin is hung,

On a photograph,

Peach in the sun,

Ripe and sweet.

I've rolled you in my mouth,

These some odd years,

Sucking you good,


I spit you out most days,

Forgetting until I come home,

Gnawing on you,

Out of habit.

You are my plum fairy,

My junkyard dog,

Sagging and screeching,

Until I remind you.

I'd sell you for drugs,

But I can taste you,

What you've been whittled down to.

It gets me hard.

- - -

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

I've fucked a dozen with your face,

A commonplace courtship,

Bad script reading,


Your tattoo is unnerving,

Like blood on silk,

Noticed every time I try,

Faded but permenant.

It's the way things go,

We aren't artists,

Just wanting once to strip,

And walk in our muscles.

High-tide has come,

I mix up her family with yours,

Some gay cousin as conversation,

Your sea salt smell coming,

Another notch in your post,

Just 15 minutes later.

Lucky you.

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