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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

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Less dog ass, better photographs; ranting

2005-05-29 - 5:56 p.m.

I must lead a borderline sad, but at least minorly pitiful life when I get supremely excited for diaryland chat to be back up.

Yes. Back up. If I haven't run across your guestbook or notes page like a streaking midget with its ass on fire, flush from Oz, I'll get there. I figure it's a useful public service announcement.

What can I say: the Inferno only plays Goth Industrial on wednesdays, R&B and hip-hop belong where drugs are available, DJ's confuse trance and ambient and dance too much, and my poor ass hates cover charges. So barring everyone in my area suddenly becoming interesting or me suddenly getting off of my ass and doing photography again: Yay fucking chat! Praise be to Andrew.

Speaking of photography, I found me out some interesting things. Apparently, the semi-pro digital single lens reflexive (SLR) camera I wanted is now fucking cheap. In its place is a goddamn impressive bit of machinery that's only around 1,000 USD. When your genitals twitch while surveying hardware, you've found your god for the minute. And what a sweet piece of metal meat this baby is.

So I'm left wondering: do I ask my family for more money, talk with my father and guilt-trip his dead-beat Catholic ass into giving me money, or talk with my advisor about that lovely hourly wage idea he wanted to set up?

I'm thinking all three. I heart raging fucking photography hard-ons, and this beast will satiate my ass.

Just think: not only would my raw photographs be 35% larger and therefore scaleable to something like 17 x 20 or even 19 x 24 prints, but I could get FILTERS. This is the magic bullet for doing photography during the day. With a UV filter, I wouldn't get bloom everywhere. Bloom is that sunny golden schlocky halo around everything--which makes life all sorts of pretty, but makes most day photos look like dog ass. Granted I hate doing day photography because people inevitably do something unacceptable like acknowledge my existence, but the option is there!

And lenses. Ragingly drunk gods of Valhalla sing a chorus in my pants when I think about getting super telephoto, fish-eye, and 15-80mm wide angle lenses. A pandora's box of uncountably lost hours, at my fingertips. It's like free forum board porn that way.

So all that remains is getting the cash together. I'm not sure just how I'll do this in the short term, but it's going to be hard to be patient.

* * *

Speaking of patience, my writer's wad has largely been blown. I had a great streak for the first week after classes ended--but now it's like sawing off teeth with a hacksaw. It's slow. Real slow. Thankfully I have past-times like listening to NPR online, watching C-SPAN online, reading articles on politics and science, going to forums and generally achieving Old Man status but without the pants up to my teats.

I can argue the fuck out of a position, though...well, if I ever came across anyone who discussed politics...or religion...or world affairs...or...

But fuck snarkiness. I am in a good mood for once today, and it's only partially the 16 ounces of jet fuel flying through my bloodstream.

So I'll do what anyone would do on an unbelievably gorgeous sunday afternoon as a golden halo entwines around the jubiliance of a deep green spring: I'm going to sit on my ass and stare at a computer screen. And blink occasionally.

So, in short: chat is up, trying to get money for a new camera, photography hard-on, old man pants, ass sitting.

Oh, and why in the fuck does a white background with dark text seem to appeal to people more in general? What the fuck? I hate white backgrounds. Is this some sort of holy color blind Judeo-Christian Jesus is Teh Lord interior design stupidity? Fuck that. The chinese have it right: black is divine.

Where the fuck did that come from? Right.

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