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Recent Entries

Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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2006-08-30 - 3:39 p.m.

*Found a lead on the parking situation two houses over. Called the landlord, got his receptionist, left a message. Hopefully I can park there. Worrying about my car on a daily basis is annoying.

*Started shopping at Woodman's. I bought a week and a half of groceries for 60 bucks. I exited the store quietly exclaiming, "wow." I mean compared to Whole Foods it is just--wow. I've been cooking all my stuff for the last several days. It feels good and at this rate I'll drive up my surplus faster.

*Meeting with Birdie/Post-Doc tomorrow to talk about survey analyses. Meeting with Rachel, one of my undergrads, to direct her on some more survey entry work. Meeting with a potential promoter to discuss my work.

*Need to start ordering prints

*Need to pay off rest of credit card

*Unsure about Inferno tonight. I'm tempted to just buy some new pants and shirts at Walmart, since I'm already getting a pair of hair clippers there.

*Everyone seems to like the bald head thing. I want to shave the bastard. My head is symmetrical and has a 'great' shape. Rock.

*No word from Erin. She was supposed to e-mail last week. Sent her something asking about this week last week. I saw her on friday and saturday at get-togethers and parties. We talked some. Found out her ex dumped her over IM. That's even lower than some of my rejection tales, although I got first prize in the '...wait WHAT?' category from several listeners.

Anyway I hope this isn't a blowing off thing and just a neglecting e-mail thing.

*I'm ostensibly on vacation. I'm at work, though. Will be tomorrow. Oh well.

*Mood has been alright. Today has been work and realizing I somehow misplaced some paperwork I shouldn't have misplaced. Naturally I feel slightly incompetent, but this was stuff from before I started getting more with the program/filing things properly/filing things at all.

*I'll ammend that. I feel bad right now.

*Things with Brian are working out fine. We still talk a lot, get on like good friends, etc. He does home repair, I take care of logistics and ammenities. So having a roommate doesn't suck. He goes to bed 2 hours earlier and wakes up making racket 2 hours earlier than I do, but I'm roughly used to that degree of sleep deprivation.

*Whatever entity was in the house is gone. Now it's just whatever has watched over me since I was young. I guess either whatever I did worked or I stopped having a mild psychotic episode. Either way, works out.

*This semester is going to be busy. November through late December will be doing three different behavioral manipulations for three different cohorts of animals, and focusing on final projects for classes. But before and after won't be bad.

*Waiting on a word back from the Fjord Foundation on whether my abstract was accepted or not. If so, I'll confirm my registration I sent by fax and also make travel arrangements. If not, I'll wait 2 years and present later (given that I'll be on a training grant next year and not the Fjord Fellowship).

*Able to do more push-ups in a row. Getting good definition. Keeping good definition in the abs. Holding the beginning of a crunch for 8 minutes is about alright. May start going with Dan, Katie C.'s boyfriend, to the gym to do free-weights. Get some bulk in addition to definition. Not a lot, but some.

*Going to the hardware store to get some samples of dark brown hues for the living room and antechamber of the house. Almost got a couch for the living room yesterday, but it was sold today. Brian thought it was perfect. I did too but wanted his confirmation, and he was at work yesterday.

*Going to Walmart (already mentioned), and Woodman's. Need milk for whey protein shakes for protein for muscle work. Need more whey protein.

*Car is making slightly odd thumping sound sometimes when I take my foot off of the brake.

*Heard back from Tasha. Forgot to mention that. Want to talk and get caught up soon. That would be good.

*Heard back from Liz. College is treating her well. May visit, but probably not due to time constraints.

*I wish I could visit Nicholas. Same problem above. That and driving so far back and forth for a weekend would suck. I may suck by extension, but long car trips through Illinois drain a motherfucker.

*Brian and I had a long talk yesterday. I found out that some people think I'm weird because I don't express emotion outwardly, except when I'm annoyed or angry. I thought I hid those well. I don't. We also talked about my tendency to worry about small things at work, potentially blow them out of proportion, and generally get down about it. Coversation also turned to the acceptability to cold approach strangers if you think it'll jive well. And that expressing interest in someone is not always construed as being manipulative or dominating or bad. Some old things people have suggested, some new things he's suggested. Will I pay attention and change? I'll try to be more consciously aware to be less stoic. Apparently me being drunk sometimes ameliorates this problem. He's a good friend.

*Health is fine. No problems, no more continuous speedbumps.

*First paper should be reviewed around mid-september. I have a good feeling about it.

*I get to be a groomsman in December and have that be my excuse for a break at the end of classes.

*Undergrad Katie (who's 26) will be leaving for Montreal soon. We're supposed to do something fun this week when she calls. I guess she wants to finish undergrad in Montreal because her folks can get her discounted tuition there. And her sorta boyfriend is there too.

That'll be another friend leaving. Christine is leaving too. Tattiya left also. It seems like many of the people I befriend and many I get to know well around here end up jetting out. Kinda sucks. That's kinda life.

*Like a cat tied to a stick that's driven into frozen winter shit, the ability to laugh at weakness. Calm, fitter, happier, and more productive--a pig, in a cage, on antibiotics.

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