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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

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The Ph.D. comes soon

2010-04-13 - 8:24 p.m.

I defend my dissertation thesis in two weeks. I am not at all worried. Unless I show up drunk or high on crank, I will give a 75 minute lecture, answer questions from my committee that have already come up several times before, bullshit my way out of anything that resembles a broader question, and proceed to get my warrant signed.

By the end of the month I will have my Ph.D.

The question now becomes: what job will I have afterward? I talked with the director of the institute I work at today. They're accepting applications for one position. While I am a "perfect fit" for the job in working for Dr. Silver, I have heard sweet lines before from Penn. I haven't yet heard whether my 'Get out of Grad School via Minority Status' card has worked yet or not. That ace up my sleeve will reveal its usefulness in another few days to weeks.

I have contingency plans. I can always apply to the same institute grant for pre-doctoral the exact same work for half as much pay (and possibly screw Kim F. out of a position). Or there's always being a teaching assistant for two classes, getting supplementary funding from Barb, and being a grad student and doing post-doc work.

But I will not be homeless and destitute. And I will finally have my degree.

Speaking of which I need to note SexyAtheist back. She's getting into the business as I'm exiting, so I'm curious what's up.

For the moment, I need to work more on this vascular health and age-related brain atrophy paper resubmission.

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