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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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Intro: Ok, so it's kindof bland; I need to eat, yes

2001-07-11 - 4:19 p.m.

I've always wanted to write and to be read. To take the short of it, I like the idea of being able to communicate interesting, maybe even useful, things to people whom I have no link to. It isn't as though we cannot have that in person, but here it's much easier, especially where words have another presence; for me, one that is less...intimidating.

So, where shall I start? I'm young, still finishing work on my degrees, and working in research for the semi-decent sum of 10/hr. It's a summer job; fairly intriguing. I work in cognitive neuroscience, which is basically a bunch of hard-ass psychologists trying to figure out how the brain's organization makes us do some of the things we do. In theory, very practice, not so hot.

But I'm not really a least, I don't think like one. I've always tended toward the artistic side, more of a humanities person perhaps. The field is convenient for my interests, though.

Trying to cover what those interests are is difficult. Music-wise, I enjoy everything from progressive rock and acid metal to classical music and baroque, with literally everything in-between. Irish, Arabic chanting, Sitar, Celtic, Blues, name it, if it has a good pulsing beat, I like it. Have to say techno is my favorite form though; trance, especially.

My life is pretty much studying, since most of the people I know kindof tend to be on the dull side (like this entry...but hey, I'm warming up to the joint; give me a few entries). What I study is...well...ecclectic stuff. You know, usual gambit of academics: history, literature, psychology, etc.

My passion, though, is mysticism. Now don't jump to the split-second assumption I'm some long-haired hippie love child who is into the New Age movement. They have their party, I'm invited, and I think what they are doing is interesting. It ain't my cup of tea. Enough said. I'm...I study OLD varieties, directly from the source. I'm learning German and French right now as a means of translating 17-18th century texts...which is a little extreme, but I'm that kind of guy.

Here's some cant for those who jive with the previous: I've studied Qabbalism, Egyptian, Summerian, Buddhist, and ancient Greek mysticism; probably studied Sufism most extensively. My love and what I blend well with most is Hermeticism, both its roots and how it came to be.

Basically, I like different ways of thinking how humans or the universe is constructed. That flow chart idea Dante came up with for Hell? Fabulous. Speaking of Hell, I find the concept fascinating...the artwork, the literature on it...I don't exactly think such a place exists, but it many things about it besides the thoroughly obvious theme (i.e. people swimming in their own waste, devils flaying people alive, etc.).

In case you want a totally different flavor of journal, I would try pinknoise. He's entirely chaotic in wonderfully short bouts. I'm...just not in the mood right now. You'll notice very quickly that I shift between a large spectrum. This is me being calm and logical...not one of my favs, but hey.

The name? It's the hidden sphere of knowledge in a Qabbalistic diagram called the "Tree of Sephiroth." Any of you Evangelion fans (yes, I love anime...yes, I like White Wolf and roleplaying...but I go clubbing and do things in the underground, damnit! I am a GEEK, not a nerd...nerds don't get laid; important point, yes) will probably remember that weird looking crystal-shapped tree thingy in the introduction. Other's...more weird mystic shit.

So that's me in a nutshell. I need to eat, probably. I'm severely hypoglycemic, so I need sugars from food fairly regularly. Otherwise, I start sounding like this...and gods, I'm afraid of what I'm written.

Update (4/27/02)

That job really wore me down and my stay in Bosstown was sullen for the most part. It was a miserable financial mess and I lived alone without anyone to do stuff with. I guess that's made apparent in the next few months. I've occasionally left these notes to myself because I know noone will look at posts this far back in the past. In a funny way it lets me keep a private journal in one that's open to the public--diaryland public, mind you, which is really more of an autonomous collective...

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