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A rant to ritual

2001-07-11 - 8:21 p.m.

So I just finished four straight hours of revising other people's work and taking flak for doing things that one of my supervisors believed he had mentioned. All in all, not half a bad day. I'm tired...scratch that, I'm burnt. The debate raging in my mind right now is thus: do I buy Mike's hard lemonade, or try for something slightly less laid back, say perhaps a bottle of rum, smirnov, and some various blends of dole...the decision is difficult, but I feel up to the task. Intoxication is the key end condition; we care not what steep and narrow roads take us to such vistas, nor how bleary the lights seem from down there or how nifty the cliff in front of us is.

But on to more profound things. Wait, no, scratch that, the profound things can wait. There is something in the bosom of America that is pissing me off righteously: dating. This ritualized courtship, which unlike thousands of cultures previous to us, primarily consists of body language and subtle verbal cues as opposed to obvious indicators...say a green scarf worn by certain Caucasian women in the Balkans way back when, or strangely decorative piercings in the African savana. One cannot discriminate the well dressed from the no: some people will be insulted that you are staring at them even if the amount of flesh exposed is, dare I say it, of staggeringly delicious proportions.

To this verbose explanation, I offer two words: the fuck? I've dated many women and am considered fairly attractive, yet this strange American ritual continues to positively astonish me. However, there are certain key factors that I believe any civilized male who feels a quarter as frustrated as I am should take into account...

#1 - You do not suck.

#2 - Women in estrus prefer more manly men, apparently because of some bizarre proclivity to wanting more manly men genes in the gene pool when they are ready to conceive.

#3 - Women, however, do not prefer these manly men over the long term. I know, I know, #3 sounds like total bullshit. But take a look outside sometime in a busy section of town: plenty of guys with distended stomachs and more than lacking in the attractiveness department are beside suitably nice-looking women. Why? Financial resources, stability, and a mate that will not hurt and/or kill their offspring.

This doesn't help my situation any, but in some eventuality all nice guys end up becoming the marriageable consolation prize to the chiseled fuck-festers that seem to adorn the arms, back, or other various regions of any number of attractive females. Yes, it's been's been too long, hence the bitching and eventual catharsis.

By the way, most of the things I write aren't exactly positive. Writing is basically the only outlet I have for my sardonic, though oddly optimistic, outlook on the world. Sure it sucks in some ways (case in point above), but it has it's good points. No devolved hole be this strange monstrosity, but some...thing. Yes, a thing precisely.

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