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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

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Naked semblances of booze and peace

2001-07-12 - 2:17 p.m.

So apparently Bosstown does have quite a number of late-night liquor stores open. As I casually paid for the evening's entertainment (Mike's, what else), I found myself wondering what in the hell to do. I've been here in Cambridge for nigh unto a month, so it's not like I can spread the love or anything; no acquaintances to speak of, save those hamsters that spin the magic wheel with me from 9-5.

Naw, I just sat on my ass and drank alone in my apartment, which has a certain ambiance to itself. There upon the futton, fitfully moving from side to side while some unforgivably raunchy man brings on the funk from my cd-player..the brew, the night, some catcalls of sirens acting as stand-in snooze buttons..just forgetting the whole damn day and every thankless little worry that ran through my head (we're talking hundreds, folks, I'm a neurotic SOB).

Some people's lives are miserable, but not dictated by a rigid routine. I commute, I eat at a chinese buffet everyday (dude, 6.50, all you can eat; word), I speak PC-ese at the office...I feel like a new piece of machinery put into active service in some strange room of vibrations and detestations. I could go on to make some thoroughly unoriginal commentary about the malaise of modern life and how the world is worse off than it used to be...but no, I shall desist. What would be the point? It's not bad, just gets...old.

So to supplement the times of now, which I could periodically summarize in the following sentence: wake-up, go to work, work, eat, leave work, drink, play an RPG or read, sleep, lather rinse and repeat...I'll offer some stories of yesteryear.

I am wearing pants today. I feel naked.

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