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Your epidermis feels naked

2001-07-17 - 9:00 p.m.

I can go home at 9pm tonight...which'll be the first time I've actually gotten back during daylight hours in...can't really remember...I always seem to get back to my pad at around dusk for some reason. I love sunsets...then again, I don't know anyone who dislikes them. I wonder when it was that I last saw dawn...some vague memory tells me two or three years ago, when I was living up near Topanga Canyon in Los Angeles. It was 6am, maybe later, and some guy named Fred had decided that dropping me off was his job. His car was already allegedly impounded by the city and 5 0 seemed to be representin' quite assiduously that morning. Probably another gang war that I knew nothing of. I remember the light so vividly, even though I barely looked up. This magnificent fire-orange color, with the bright yellow fixture pulsating slightly.

I sometimes wonder if I'll ever get to live in a place that posh again. It cost enough (2k a month, but between 5 guys and my mom, it wasn't too bad). Someday, I suppose. I mean, working my ass of like this has to have some pay off down the road...right?

I've had alot of different thoughts as to where I'd like to live. I grew up in The Surburb and frankly I can't imagine doing the whole American neighbor/family/working thing. My sleeping habits are too damned weird to have an easily organized life like that. I think I will hire a small Mexican house boy, Sanchez (change his name if it isn't Sanchez, by damn), and have him run my errands from 8am to 5pm (roughly after I have entered my bed and set-up camp 2 to 11 hours after I have decided to hibernate abruptly after whatever streak of creativity had engulfed me).

Then, I would have waffles, more than likely at the same time people in 4x4 all-terrain vehicles were returning from the grocery store and commenting on the paved roads with content 'thump thump's (the cars; there may be some touched child out there who feels the cars need organic representation in whatever conversation is taking place amidst their turf).

Like I said before, I love the night and daylight bothers my eyes immensely. Yes, people have already quipped about that, you silly person. In fact, family in general seems very odd. I will say that my tolerance for other human beings has increased over the years. When little kids are whining or throwing a tantrum at a very high pitch in a public place that echoes, it doesn't bother me. Hell, I even think partially grown children are actually somewhat cool.

Even teenagers who buy from Abercrombe and Finch and relate gossip over an ever streaming flow of "Oh my God," "no way," and the ever so popular "you're kidding/you've gotta be kidding me" are themselves cute. You can almost hear the voice-over from the Discovery channel explaining the communication and mating habits of the pubertal homo sapien. I mean, why not do it? It'd be hilarious, especially with slow-motion shots of young men attempting to arrouse the female by showing their delicate plummage, fighting, or engaging in acts of bravado (i.e. making asses of themselves and providing me with hours of entertainment).

I remember vaguely feeling like I should date, but I had no dollop of enraged hormones like some of these poor bastards. To be truthful, folks, I didn't even want to have sex. I know, I know, call me a liar, call me a heathen, but I just wanted companionship (And yes, I shall affect a Jewish mother accent and say "I just wanna be loved? Is dat' so wrong?"). And these young ones, shuffling their feet, tagging along with the female of the species..all in an effort to engage in courtship and the ritualistic act of coitus, a fargone conclusion for the species that enjoys great accord between two people but seems to be bitched about by innumerable members of the masses (i.e. the poor fucks who aren't gettin' any).

I wonder if the Romans ever bitched about not gettin' any. Why hell, engaging several prostitutes at once in some amply luxurious area with several other butt-naked men and drinking wine sounds like marvelous fun to me. I've had some smashingly super pseudo-orgies. Sadly, the hostess and host at these functions were usually not privy to this bit of fun. Sadly, one must restrict oneself to the errogenous zones and hope the other partner(s) are willing to follow you back to your place, bouncy bouncy. Ah well. I wonder if I should drink again tonight. Ah what the hell, I just got paid, sure, why not. You people rock my rocks, babies.

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