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hey, fadedlight

2001-07-19 - 5:18 p.m.

Fadedlight recently left me a very appropo quotation about my tendency to have unsuitably suitable reactions to the vagueries of life (around 7/19/01, titled by "hey, daath"). In other words, I use a sledgehammer oft when nothing at all would suffice. I fully agree. To this new gem in my velvet pouch, some quotes of my own:

"He jests at scars that never felt a wound."

-Romeo and Juliet. II,ii,1

"We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over."

-Ambrose Bierce

And my own concotion:

If passion be the poison upon whose lips I eat,

Chosen I the chalice from whence death's wine is sweet.


Yes, I do fancy myself a poet (I'll subject y'all to some Vogonic prose and the like later). Sadly this is not Victorian England or colonial America, else I would have a respectfully unrespectful

In any case, death has many faces and forms, some of which are less appealing than others. I do have a veritable passion for death, yes, I will not hide that. It used to be for physical release. I thought you could only move on or somewhere else by it. Spiritual death is what I take stock in now. Yet, the gains one makes because of ambition can be undone or twisted by that very same thing. I only hope it continues to serve me and not I it. P.S. SAT scores aren't necessary, M'lady. I sometimes wonder if I imitate the verbal section, though. P.P.S. Hell, there's a thought. If you think I use too many (not enough?) 5, 10, or 20 dollar words, drop me a line in my guestbook. I like mentally jerking off, don't get me wrong, but you have to adjust to your audience (be it in the bedroom, on an online diary site with strangers passing by like Johns at a walk-through peep show, etc.) Wow, almost all my analogies and metaphors revolve around homosexual penetration, alcohol, spiritual or aesthetic enlightenment, sex, and social taboos. I'm like a combination between Joe Cartoon and Mark Twain.

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