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Garion born; thinking of doing video logs - 2012-09-01

I'm married, I'm a prospective father, wow I never update - 2012-05-22

Got the job at the NIA; mother complicates wedding plans - 2011-10-13

Scrawl - 2011-08-05

It's never been better - 2011-06-02

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When it rains, it pours...anvils...

2001-07-19 - 12:10 p.m.

And I just checked my other account. I'm 80 in the hole because restaurants have a date at which they decide to ask the bank for cash. After a surcharge of 20 bucks on apparently the last three meals I had there, I've come to the conclusion that God, or whatever the powers that be, can go fuck itself/herself/himself/themselves instead of me. I should have just withdrawn 80 dollars and gotten a 20 dollar surcharge, but here I thought again that restaurants deduct from your bank account automatically.

My family will bail me out...again...gods only know how much money I owe them now (I think 2600 at last count...primarily due to the reasons I stated before, as well as my program needing receipts for everything, my landlords not being able to give me receipts for rent, having to book 7 plane tickets for a trip to go to Ohio then LA and back again, then to and from a European jaunt that I'm truly starting to regret financially, etc. and et fucking cetera). It isn't like I fucked up: that money was supposed to BE in my account according to FuckStick down in payroll.

While I feel the need to call someone in payroll and explain how I am barely able to eat and was almost homeless because of their fuck up, I shant. These are chimps in business suits or moo-moos, not intelligent human beings; you don't beat a dog because it doesn't obey, you make fun of it and pat it on the head, possibly being more insistent next time. I refuse to acknowledge anything as my own species that regularly deals with bureaucracy and doesn't tell me the 50 exceptions to a simple procedure like direct depositing.

And where the hell I'm going to get the money to go to the UK and be there for a month after all of this...the hell if I know. The conversion rate will fuck me and getting into tourist mode will fuck me ever more. After some calculations, I figure all I need to do is not sleep in a hostel and instead in the woods a quarter of the time (hey, free squirrel for breakfast; beats scones) and eat once every day (at this rate, folks, it may just be the squirrel).

The mainland experience might be easier on me...but with withdraw fees, bus and train pass fees, chunnel fees, EuroRail fees...heh, let's just say I royally hate life right around now. Never a break, never a time of calm, always a problem at work, a problem with the idiots that try to pay me (either the government or payroll here), or attempting to simultaneously placate my program director, because work here makes doing anything related to the program next to impossible, with a set of supervisors who are under the mistaken notion that I am a cybernetic migrant worker who runs exclusively on the fumes wafting from whence they speak

Anyone, if you're in the Bosstown area and you know where I happen to be at Zarathustra U., kindly ask for me and whoop my ass a few times over, maybe bring a gun or something? I feel like mental and emotional strain should have some physical manifestation besides stomach pain and restless sleeping.

Did I mention I haven't slept properly in weeks? Yeah, I look like a poor graduate student taking his written exams.

To summarize: I am so very, very, very, very, very not happy. Toodles.

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